Academia Cidadã

We closed with a golden key. The last scheduled visit (which in no way means the end of the tours we so much enjoy doing) of this phase of “Outros Campeonatos” was last Saturday. We visited the Dá-te ao Condado E6G project, in the Condado neighborhood, in Chelas, promoted by the Guinean Association of Social Solidarity – Aguinenso. We are already looking a bit suspicious of repeating it, but we are always so welcome. Take the Cabrinha to know new cultures, to visit points of the city that are not part of the touristic routes and meet people who, within their otherness, have points in common with us and our way of being. This is what we are always looking for with these visits. When we met with the “Dá-te ao Condado E6G” staff we were not expecting to have such an active day, honestly. As soon as they told us […]

“Outros Campeonatos” in the air

It was a great Saturday, the 3rd visit of “Outros Campeonatos”. This time we stayed near but we still walked a lot. We went to visit the Campolide Soma & Segue E6G project, being held in the neighborhoods of Liberdade and Serafina. There was street football, as usual. We got to know the activities of “Some & Segue” and we were fascinated by the music production studio and the videoclips they made. This is also why we go out, not only to get to know places, realities and new people, but to seek ideas and learn ways of thinking and acting different from ours. Looking at others helps us look at ourselves.     We had lunch in a garden with a very nice view of the Vale de Alcântara, a result of a project, similarly to ours, financed by the BIP/ZIP program.   Then we continued to Campolide, to […]

“Outros Campeonatos” with a view over the city

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. “Entre os subscritores iniciais do manifesto da Marcha Mundial do Clima, contam-se 18 movimentos, sindicatos e partidos portugueses: Academia Cidadã(…)” Agência Lusa 5/3/2017   Marcha Mundial do Clima em Portugal marcada para 29 de abril

Marcha Mundial do Clima em Portugal marcada para 29 de abril

We continue walking through Lisbon, learning about the work of community building that is being done here and spreading street football into other places.     This time, we left Cabrinha in the direction of the city center, to visit Casa do Brasil in Lisbon, in the middle of Bairro Alto. It was Carnival, we had to make a visit, right?     We were, as always, immensely well received. Diógenes explained how the Casa do Brasil in Lisbon works, the services they provide to the community and the activities they organize. It was another opportunity to meet people who organize themselves around the common good, working for better conditions for all. We bring ideas and good energy from these meetings to keep doing what we do and improve our practices. We continued towards the Jardim do Princípe Real for a street football game in the city. We were there to […]

Outros Campeonatos roaming Lisbon

We launch here a series of articles written by the partners that dynamize with us the “Outros Campeonatos”. The idea was to diversify the type of speech produced about the project and to understand how all those involved see what we are building in Quinta do Cabrinha. These articles are also used to better understand how the partners of the Outros Campeonatos are involved in the activities promoted within the project. The plurality of points of view will help to reflect on the practices and to better build the future. We reproduce here the opinion of the “Associação Nacional de Futebol de Rua” (National Association of Street Football):   “The Associação Nacional de Futebol de Rua has as its mission to promote the social and sports methodology of street football as an innovative strategy of socio-pedagogical and cultural intervention with a view to human development and social inclusion. Since 2009, it […]

Partners Articles – National Association of Street Football

This was the first exit of the “Outros Campeonatos” (Other Championships). We planned to go playing street football in the Padre Cruz neighborhood with the Associação Nacional de Futebol de Rua (National Association of Street Football) and we went for a walk during all day. It was a heterogeneous group, which came out of Cabrinha, from small to grown up kids. O Lisbon Sustainable Tourism organized us a full day and there we went. The game was only in the afternoon but we got up early in the morning and at 9 in the morning (more or less) there was everyone next to the vans that We Hate Tourism Tours made available to lead us towards the “Moinho da Juventude” (Youth Mill). We were welcomed with open arms in Cova da Moura. The staff of Moinho showed us the neighborhood, explained to us what they are doing and the struggles […]

There are other Championships out of the Cabrinha!

Shortfilm In recent years, Lisbon has become one of the European Cities with the larger tourism growth. Each year, 6 million people come to visit the Portuguese capital: 200.000 tourists every day. Tourism brings opportunities in a city heavily hit by global crisis: about 15% of Portugal domestic product and 8% jobs in Portugal, nowadays are related with tourism. But in the meanwhile, the city is basically disappearing: over the last 30 years, Lisbon lost about 300.000 inhabitants, vacancy rate in the traditional centre is over 40%, about 5.000 buildings are disused, and today only 12.000 persons live in the city center. In April 2016, STADSLAB (Urban Design Laboratory of Tilburg University – Amsterdam) organized an international Masterclass on City Making & Tourism Gentrification for professionals and graduates: the urban intervention case-study was focused on Mouraria, one of the oldest Lisbon’s neighborhood. Originated as a 13th century Moorish neighborhood and […]

Documentary + shortfilm + book: Masterclass Tourism & Gentrification

On 26th January, another action of Outros Campeonatos(Other Championships), took place in Quinta do Cabrinha. The meeting “Foi assim que começámos” (This is how we started), aimed to collect and share, in a relatively informal way, stories of experiences of youth associations happening in the Lisbon area. Following the guidelines of “Outros Campeonatos”, the testimonies of the invited associations were directed to the Quinta do Cabrinha community and the young people strongly answered the call. This initiative came as a follow-up to a conversation with Jorge Ramos, a member of the young informal group “Ventos de Mudança” (Winds of Change), our partner. Jorge, being inhabitant of the neighborhood since its genesis, had already undergone the process of trying to create a youth association here in Quinta do Cabrinha. This attempt was ruined but the bug stayed and came back now. We came to the conclusion that it would be of […]

This is how we started – Meeting on Youth Associativism and Active Citizenship

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Em linha com estas críticas foi lançada a petição Morar em Lisboa – Carta Aberta, de que são signatários a Academia Cidadã, várias associações de moradores e inquilinos da cidade, o GEOTA (Grupo de Estudos de Ordenamento do Território e Ambiente), arquitetos, geógrafos e sociólogos. Ontem, às 20.00, a petição já tinha 2683 assinaturas.  

(Português) DN: “Até podemos viver no centro de Lisboa, mas tem de ser num hostel”

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. 24 Janeiro, 2017 “É cada vez mais difícil morar em Lisboa”. Começa assim a carta aberta “Morar em Lisboa”, endereçada ao Governo, aos deputados, ao município e aos cidadãos, redigida, na semana passada, por um conjunto de instituições e indivíduos ligados ao meio académico, sobretudo arquitectos, geógrafos e sociólogos, e ao activismo social. Pedem a tomada de medidas urgentes para inverter o que apontam como a inequívoca intensificação na capital do processo de gentrificação – ou seja, a valorização imobiliária de uma área da cidade, forçando residentes com menor poder económico a sair para dar lugar a outros com maior poder. Ler mais

(Português) O CORVO: Movimento lança carta a pedir medidas urgentes pelo direito a morar em Lisboa