Good vibes to Cabrinha!… … This is the Christmas wish of who have participated in one more street action of the project “Outros Campeonatos”, made by the Cabrinha community, for the Cabrinha community. Natal de Bairro was made in several moments, each one contributing to the previous established goals: to develop collaborative working methods in the neighbourhood, to involve the Cabrinha inhabitants in a common action and to enrich the common spaces and public space of the neighbourhood. Moment 1: TO PLAN It was from the will and ideas of our participants that “Natal de Bairro” street action started to be developed: decided and prepared by the Cabrinha community, for the Cabrinha community. After a brain storm, it was determined that we would embellish all the neighbourhood with Christmas decorations, which elaboration would be the most participated as possible. Moment 2: TO INVOLVE Various forms were […]