Rabat, Malta| 22nd- 28th April 2019

Life on a screen: Understanding Millennial Training Course will be addressing the gap which exists between young people and Youth Workers working within the non-formal sector of education. Young people are being brought up in an environment which is fast, instant and customizable. Therefore, they are being used to environments which are constantly engaging and stimulating. When young people are given something which is less attractive and engaging they have the tendency to turn back to their smart phones. It is very difficult for youth workers to compete with such environments where young people are continuously being stimulated. Therefore, the best way forward is not to compete, but to learn from what is happening on social media and adapt these characteristics and infuse them in the working methods used by youth workers.
The Millennials are those born after 1985, thus they grew up in this digital and connected community. This has affected the way they think, learn and interact with each other. This training course will be focusing on the 8 key characteristics developed by Don Tapscott. Tapscott argues that to be able to engage Millennials in educational activities there needs to be the following characteristics which the Millennials identify with; 1. Speed; 2. Entertainment; 3. Collaboration; 4. Scrutiny; 5. Integrity; 6. Innovation; 7. Freedom; and 8. Customization. Through this training course, the youth workers will be trained to think on how to make their work and methods more relevant and present it in a way which young people can identify and engage with. This training course will give tools to youth workers to be able to transfer their work from an offline to an online manner.
- To learn how to integrate characteristics found on social media into methods used by youth workers to engage more young people;
- To increase the level of online participation of young people members of partner organisations by thinking of different ways on how to move up the ladder of online participation from E-Informing to E-Engaging;
- To learn about online tools which they can use to engage more young people (Trello, Shack,Mindomo, Canva, Filmora);
- To learn about the key functions and values of Online Youth Work by increasing media literacy of youth workers;
- Learn how to integrate better the online and offline activities and use them to enhance each other;
- To better understand the sociological and psychological implications which social media is having on young people and the community.
All the above will be framed in a non-formal framework. The delivery methods which will be used during this training will be; Workshops, Simulations, Open Space Technology, Internet Café, Discussions and Video Forum among other methods. The participants will also learn about online tools which they can use together with young people to tackle any topics which are important to young people.
There are 3 places for participants residing in Portugal
Working language will be English.

This project is supported by the ERASMUS + program. Thus, all costs related to travel, accommodation and food during the activity will be fully funded.