
Protests banned on grounds of protecting ‘public order’ and ‘security’ The European Civic Forum, Civil Liberties Union for Europe, CIVICUS, European Network Against Racism and Solidar are calling on the European Commission to address at the highest political level the unlawful restrictions on the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and expression imposed by member states since the dramatic escalation of violence in Israel and Palestine last year. A new analysis, published by the European Civic Forum, shows that European governments have repeatedly cracked down on individuals and organisations expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people in marches, demonstrations and cultural activities. Six months on from 7 October, people in Europe have continued to take to the streets to peacefully protest against the violence, to show solidarity with the victims and to call for the respect of human rights and international law. These protests are unfolding amid an increase in hate speech and hate crimes targeting both Jewish […]

Solidarity protests with Palestinian people banned in at least 12 EU countries, finds new analysis, six months on from the ...

Throughout the severe housing crisis, we face, which seems to have no end in sight, other problems associated with the spaces we use for living arise. When we talk about housing, we also talk about support networks, neighborhood, and community. The bonds that should naturally arise from proximity and coexistence are no longer created. The elderly do not have a support network, often being closed off in the solitude of their homes. Spaces for children, culture, and socialization are not prioritized over real estate speculation. All this is taken away from the population, destroying, or not giving the opportunity to build, community, solidarity, and security. Cultural and social spaces also suffer from the gentrification of cities, ending up unable to keep up with rent values and the consequent non-renewal of contracts. It is thanks to these spaces that meetings, conversations, and debates on different topics are possible. They welcome different […]

Without Community Spaces There Is No City: There Is Only Concrete

The reactions to the protests by Climáximo activists and the Student Climate Strike should make us reflect on the life we lead and the system that organizes us. One of the most publicized reactions is from a person who, outraged, said “I have to work to feed my children.” Considering that this is what most of the population does, anyone can easily identify with such an outburst. Does this type of reaction result from a great love for their work and the pleasure of selling their time to be able to feed their children? Or is there a hidden frustration, which affects almost all of us, due to the daily and costly life that forces us to exchange time (that could be spent with such children) for money to at least feed them? There are also reactions defending “other forms of action.” First, other forms of action have been taken […]

 Why Do We Revolt When Actvists Block Roads

Dear President of Portuguese Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, Dear members of the Portuguese Republic Assembly, In recent weeks, we have been perplexed witnesses to a series of disturbing incidents involving arbitrary detentions, police repression within universities, and even physical violence against climate activists. Climate activists have exercised their fundamental right to non-violent protest, enshrined in the Portuguese Constitution in Article 1. 45. The increasing police repression, with reports of prolonged detentions, intimidating tactics, and excessive use of force, not only puts at risk the physical and emotional integrity of activists. It also represents a threat to the very essence of democracy, freedom of expression, and the right to protest. It is imperative to underline that all actions undertaken by activists are non-violent and are instead directed towards collective action, with the purpose of confronting the climate crisis. Furthermore, it is important to remember that all these actions and demands […]

Open Letter Calling For An End Of Police Repression Against Climate Activists 

ERASMUS+ Project; Erasmus+ Program Key Action 1: Individual Mobility – Adult Education With this project carried out during 2022, the Citizen Academy challenged itself to: Increase the capacity of the adult education program, in order to support citizens and communities in combating climate change, social exclusion, and various forms of inequality. Integrate new pedagogical practices, particularly those that foster active citizenship. Increase the skills and knowledge of its members in: training methods that promote social entrepreneurship and community-led responses to climate change and inclusion; educational methods designed to motivate and promote pro-environmental civic initiatives; methods for developing the well-being, care, and resilience of members and groups involved in active citizenship projects and community-led projects. Create new opportunities for European cooperation, allowing the exchange of practices with other educational organizations. This project was carried out within the framework of Erasmus+ KA1 Adult education staff mobility and in partnership with Col·lectiu Eco-Actiu. […]

Erasmus+: Training Among Activists In Europe

From the 10 years of activity of the Citizen Academy, we highlight the awareness work of the projects ‘#neveragain Talks’ and ‘Citizenship Academy Panorama.'” #neveragain Talks: Every two months, on the third Tuesday, we launched a new question based on a prejudice propagated by extreme-right movements. We reflected and found strategies to dismantle discriminatory, xenophobic, and simplistic discourses. #neveragain Talks aimed to value and strengthen democracy by identifying and deconstructing antidemocratic practices and discourses. Citizenship Academy Panorama – An informative bulletin published every 15 days focusing on news, comments, films, books, images, events, and initiatives, lasting about a year. In 2022, on May 15th, the Citizen Academy celebrated its 10th anniversary and revisited all 16 activities carried out in terms of awareness, community work, networking, and mobilization. Over these ten years, the Citizen Academy engaged with 113 partners, and activities took place in various countries such as Portugal, Romania, Austria, […]

10 years of Citizenship Academy – Raising Awareness 2

From the 10 years of activity of the Citizen Academy, we highlight the community and mobilization activities of the projects ‘How to Occupy a River’ and ‘Red Line’.” How to Squat a River – Using the Jamor River as a case study, this project aimed to study and develop ways for a community to enhance its sustainable relationship with the river, encompassing economic, social, and environmental aspects. Red Line – The project involved knitting against oil and gas exploration in Portugal, aiming to bring together activists and non-activists for climate justice to knit Red Lines against fossil fuel exploitation in Portugal. Over four years, more than two thousand people knitted 1200 meters of Red Line, involving 46 partners from across the country and some international ones in over 100 events nationwide, excluding Madeira. The project successfully achieved its objectives as all contracts for fossil fuel exploration in Portugal were canceled. […]

10 years of Citizenship Academy – Community Building and Mobilization

From the 10 years of activity of the Citizen Academy, we highlight the community activities of the projects ‘Colored Ball,’ ‘Other Championships,’ and ‘Reinvented World Map.'” Colored Ball – Community intervention project involving youth aged 6 to 30 in situations of social vulnerability, using street soccer as a means of integration. A total of 256 training sessions were conducted in the neighborhoods of Horta Nova and Cabrinha, along with 38 activities for intercultural exchange and various street soccer games, tournaments, and theoretical training sessions. The main partner was the National Street Football Association. Other Championships – Community empowerment project in the neighborhood where the Citizen Academy is located, Quinta do Cabrinha. It used street soccer and sustainable tourism to achieve three objectives: community building, enhancement of public space, and opening the community to the surroundings. The project involved various partners, including the Alcântara Parish Council, the National Street Football Association, […]

10 years of Citizenship Academy – Community Building

From the 10 years of activity at Citizenship Academy, we highlight the networking efforts in the area of “Right to Housing,” the “LGBTI+ Pride March in Lisbon,” and the “European Civic Forum.” Right to Housing – “Cities in Transition” and the “Living in Lisbon” movement – The “Cities in Transition” project was based on exchange of experiences about local grassroots initiatives among project partners, organizations from five European cities: Amsterdam, Bucharest, Berlin, London, and Lisbon, with events held in Amsterdam and Bucharest. The “Living in Lisbon” movement, in which Citizenship Academy participated for three years, involved over thirty associations and more than a dozen researchers from various fields. It played a crucial role in putting the right to housing and the right to the city on the agenda of the media and authorities, leading to the creation of the Secretary of State for Housing and the drafting of the Basic […]

10 years of Citizenship Academy – Networking 1

From the 10 years of activity at Citizenship Academy, we highlight the network-building efforts of the “Citizens’ Rights” project, “International Exchanges,” and the “TROCA Platform.” Citizens’ Rights – A series of workshops in schools across the country covering topics such as non-discrimination, human rights, digital privacy, and citizenship. Thematic meetings of EU activists discussed how individuals and collectives can protect and enhance their rights. Citizenship Academy participated in four meetings outside Portugal on the themes of “Culture,” “Legislation,” “Media,” and “Policies.” In Portugal, an event on “community” brought together 30 people over three days. International Exchanges – Collaborations with a dozen international partners in four European countries – Romania, Austria, Spain, and Georgia – involving 15 people over a year. Participation in the TROCA Platform – We participated for three years in the TROCA Platform, attending regular meetings and collecting signatures for the Citizen Initiative, which reached 16,000 signatures in […]

10 years of Citizenship Academy – Networking 1