Erasmus+: Training Among Activists In Europe

ERASMUS+ Project; Erasmus+ Program Key Action 1: Individual Mobility – Adult Education

With this project carried out during 2022, the Citizen Academy challenged itself to:

Increase the capacity of the adult education program, in order to support citizens and communities in combating climate change, social exclusion, and various forms of inequality. Integrate new pedagogical practices, particularly those that foster active citizenship. Increase the skills and knowledge of its members in: training methods that promote social entrepreneurship and community-led responses to climate change and inclusion; educational methods designed to motivate and promote pro-environmental civic initiatives; methods for developing the well-being, care, and resilience of members and groups involved in active citizenship projects and community-led projects. Create new opportunities for European cooperation, allowing the exchange of practices with other educational organizations. This project was carried out within the framework of Erasmus+ KA1 Adult education staff mobility and in partnership with Col·lectiu Eco-Actiu.


Activities Performed


Strengthening the Ecology of Social Movements in Europe

Integral Activist Training for Trainers Plus Dates

Strategy and Narrative Dates

This project allowed for the empowerment of 10 individuals.

The participants were selected through a selection process based on the following criteria:

  1. Motivation for participation;
  2. Quality of proposals for dissemination and implementation of acquired learnings;
  3. Gender balance (less than 50% cisgender men);
  4. Diversity of participant ages;
  5. Balance in tenure within the collective (less than 50% with more than 2 years of experience);
  6. Priority given to those without international experiences.

Dissemination and Implementation

Each participant was challenged to propose a format for disseminating and implementing the knowledge they acquired, which had to be approved by the project manager.

Some examples of dissemination activities include workshops, skill-sharing sessions, training, and written summaries of learnings.

Participant Selection

The selection of participants is based on principles of inclusion and diversity (age, gender, and experience). Preparatory meetings occur between project managers, and the results are shared among organization members.

In the selection process, it is essential to make good use of the learning, both for applying new skills within teams and for sharing with colleagues.

This selection process is based on the capacity-building needs of the organization and its members.

Participants demonstrate commitment to using new competencies to enhance our training and ensure the integration of learning throughout the organization.


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