Marcelo Yamada

On the 10th of December of 2018, the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was celebrated. On this day, in Lisbon, the Citizenship Academy promoted the meeting of representatives of more than 20 organizations of the Civil Society of Portugal. This event, “No Day Without Us”, was an initiative of the European Civic Forum, which mobilized several European organizations to celebrate the 70’s Human Rights through the promotion of online activities and events throughout Europe in December 2018. In Lisbon, “NoDayWithoutUs” happened at EKA Palace (Vila Maria Luísa) and was attended by the following organizations: Ansol – Associação Nacional para o Software Livre ALEM – Associação Literatura, Literacia e Mediação APAC Portugal APAV – Associação Portuguesa de Apoio à Vítima Associação bué fixe Associação Cabelos Brancos CulturFACE Cuntroll Zine D3 – Direitos Digitais Pro Bono – Ajuda Legal Fumaça GAT Portugal Habita Humans Before Borders Las Piteadas Projecto Crescer Transparência e […]

Looking Back: No Day Without Us – 70 Years of Human Rights – 10th December

Rabat, Malta| 22nd- 28th April 2019 DESCRIPTION Life on a screen: Understanding Millennial Training Course will be addressing the gap which exists between young people and Youth Workers working within the non-formal sector of education. Young people are being brought up in an environment which is fast, instant and customizable. Therefore, they are being used to environments which are constantly engaging and stimulating. When young people are given something which is less attractive and engaging they have the tendency to turn back to their smart phones. It is very difficult for youth workers to compete with such environments where young people are continuously being stimulated. Therefore, the best way forward is not to compete, but to learn from what is happening on social media and adapt these characteristics and infuse them in the working methods used by youth workers. The Millennials are those born after 1985, thus they grew up in […]

Training Course – Life on Screen: Understanding Millennials (Rabat, Malta)

Rustavi, Georgia| 4th – 11th April 2019 DESCRIPTION The project “Tolerance, Acceptance, Understanding” is initiated by the Civil Development and Research Institute, Georgian non-governmental organization that was approached by the group of ethnic minority youth with the intention to tackle the problem of intolerance in the society and fight for the social inclusion. The project idea is to bring the ethnic minority youth from Europe and beyond together with their fellow citizens in a multicultural environment to share the experiences and increase the tolerance and understanding between young people to show that the diversity provides advantages rather than threats to European societies. The methodology for the activities is set in a manner to achieve the maximum engagement of all participants. It includes the discussions, simulation games, team-building, group works, communication and networking workshops, performances, story-telling and other activities. The participants through the discussions, brainstorming, outdoor activities will raise awareness of […]

Youth Exchange – Tolerance, Acceptance and Understanding (Rustavi, Georgia)

70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights What would society be like without non-governmental organisations? What is the relevance of Civil Society for the protection of Human Rights? The 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration is celebrated, but are all human rights guaranteed for all? On December 10, you will be able to learn about the work of more than 15 civil society organisations that work to protect Human Rights in Portugal.While celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration today, Human Rights are under threat in Europe by the advance of anti-democratic forces. Therefore, on the 10th we will reflect the role,  action and the impact of Civil Society and we will discuss a joint plan between participants and organisations on effective action to protect Human Rights and Democracy at a time when both are threatened. #NoDayWithoutUs is an event (link to facebook) that will bring together […]

No Day Without Us – 70 Years of Human Rights – 10th December

Call for Organisations (Portuguese Civil Society)   As part of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the European Civic Forum (ECF) is mobilising itself! NO DAY WITHOUT US is a set of simultaneous actions that aim to disseminate the impact of many civil society collectives working on the protection of human rights. This set of actions will take place in various parts of Europe on December 18, 2018. The actions are being organised by ECF member organisations. They aim not only to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but also to raise awareness of the importance of civil society in defending what this document represents. As a member organisation, the Citizenship Academy is responsible for organising the action in Lisbon. In order to promote the impact of civil society in Portugal, we plan to facilitate an event where members of various […]


Bremen, Germany | 21 Oct – 1 Nov   DESCRIPTION The main aim of the “Intercultural Performance for Social Change!“ youth exchange is to empower and equip youth with the competences needed to find creative solutions for social issues and various forms of communication that touch people on deeper levels of consciousness through art and culture. Together we want to discover and explore traditions and habits behind the stories of young people with different experiences and backgrounds.   OBJECTIVES to support and encourage the beauty of diversity and the benefits of intercultural dialogue with arts and non-formal education methods among young people from different cultures; to enhance creativity, self-confidence and self-discipline among young people and local students through  performing arts.   EXTRA INFO This youth exchange will bring youngters from Spain (4+1), Italy(4+1) Lithuania (4+1), Turkey (4+1), Portugal(5+1) and Germany together. The age of the participants is 18- 30 and one […]


Linz, Austria | 5th-12th November   DESCRIPTION This is a youth partnership project (ERASMUS+ Programme Key Action 1 TRAINING) aimed at developing the competences of youth workers and TRAINERS working with youth. The main topics tackled by the project are intercultural dialogue, escape-migration-inclusion, and the use of creative tools and methods in youth work. Expected participants in the project will have the experience in working with young people and an active interest in using theatre. The methodological approach of the project will be focused on Non-formal educational, and the working methods will include theatre tools, team building, debates, working groups, workshops, evaluation sessions and follow-up activities.   OBJECTIVES To promote cultural awareness in participants and their intercultural learning process; To offer to participants a clear methodological approach and new tools based on theatre and creativity; To share among participant’s creative working methods focused on promote social inclusion among young people […]

Training Course – Escape (AUSTRIA)

CATALUNYA | 18th – 25th September   DESCRIPTION This is a youth partnership project (ERASMUS+ Programme Key Action 1 TRAINING) aimed at developing the competences of youth workers and trainers working with youth. The main topics tackled by the project are intercultural dialogue, inclusion, and the use of creative tools and methods in youth work. Expected participants in the project will have the experience in working with young people and an active interest in using theatre. The methodological approach of the project will be focused on Non-formal educational, and the working methods will include theatre tools, team building, debates, working groups, workshops, evaluation sessions and follow-up activities. OBJECTIVES To promote cultural awareness in participants and their intercultural learning process; To offer to participants a clear methodological approach and new tools based on theatre and creativity; To share among participant’s creative working methods focused on promote social inclusion among young people […]

Training Course – Creativity as a tool for Youth Workers and Treiners (CATALUNYA)

Targoviste, Romania | 20th-29th August 2018 Between August 20 and 29, Citizenship Academy sent some Portuguese youngsters to the city of Targoviste, Romania, to be received by the association BeYou Romania, our partner organisation, in the project Ative Citizenship.  This project, tackled the theme of activism, by raising participants’ awareness for the importance of their active participation at local, national, European and global levels,  through non-formal  education methods. Since the involvement of young people in society is essential for the proper functioning and continuity of democracy, we are happy to have given Portuguese young people the opportunity to be empowered with this project. This Training Course was designed to develop the critical sense of its participants by showing them the various ways of being active in their societies. The various facets of political and social participation were presented and, thereby, the participants were able to acknowledge that to be a active […]

Training Course – Active Citizenship (ROMANIA)

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Concentrações contra os Curdos de Afrin, Síria Quinta-feira, 15 de março de 2018 Lisboa (19:00) – Embaixada da Alemanha, Campo dos Mártires da Pátria, 38 Porto (18:00) – Avenida dos Aliados ERDOGAN PREPARA O GENOCÍDIO DE AFRIN Desde 18 de Janeiro de 2018, o cantão curdo de Afrin é bombardeado pelo Exército do Estado Turco de Erdogan. As ocupações de vilas e os ataques a alvos civis demonstram bem o seu interesse em aniquilar o povo curdo de Afrin. Sobre o pretexto de intervir para eliminar grupos terroristas, o Ditador Turco, apoiado pela extrema direita, tenta esmagar a autonomia que os Curdos conquistaram nas suas lutas contra o Estado Islâmico. Ironicamente, a Turquia tem como aliados os […]

(Português) Solidariedade com o Curdistão