
The interview we did to Margarida and José from Let’s Save Jamor (LSJ) was dense in content and elaborated in form. The conversation, which started at Cruz Quebrada beach, unfolded as we climbed the Jamor, entering the National Sports Centre of Jamor, ending at its entrance, just in front of the golf fields.   One of the main topics discussed, and the one that was also the first, was necessarily the detail plan of the right bank of the mouth of the river Jamor, in Cruz Quebrada. This is a project of the City Hall of Oeiras, and against the same as the LSJ has invested most of its energy action. According to the two environmental activists, this plan jeopardizes environmental principles, as well as the safety and mobility of local populations. Later, Margarida and José also told us about the management of the spaces of the National Sports Centre […]

Logbook I Day 14 I How to squat a river

Natalia is the person who has been present in this project from the beginning. It was her who, in the first forays we performed, patiently explained to us all about how and where the Jamor forms; the importance of the river to the region, in the past and nowadays; what better people to talk to in order to get more information about the history of the river. And she always followed the project very closely, through the many personal contacts we had, or through digital means. Natália is undoubtedly a key figure in How to squat a river.   That’s why the interview we made to her on that sunny November afternoon was so simple to do, and above all pleasant. With just a few questions, we managed to organize in a single speech all the precious information she had given us throughout this time. In addition to the interview, […]

Logbook I Day 13 I How to squat a river

Microphones and Marigolds Luísa and Luís have known each other for many years, he was still working in the Navy and she used to clean his house.   By that time they already got along well and talked a lot. In their conversations there was a recurring theme: the rural origins of Luisa and the desire of Luis to have a vegetable garden. Today he is retired and she has another job. But they never lost touch. One day Luisa knew that a neighbour was going to leave the piece of land that he was squatting near Jamor, right next to the Queluz train station, and where he kept a small squatter garden. Full of desire to get her hands in the dirt again, but fearing that the task was too great to do it alone, she challenged Luis: he had always spoken of wanting a vegetable garden, wouldn’t he […]

Logbook I Day 10 I How to squat a river

The Grand Tournament of Outros Campeonatos was a great party. Throughout the morning was held the football tournament. In addition to the Outros Campeonatos – Quinta do Cabrinha team, five other street football teams participated: Desafios E6G (Mira-Sintra), O Companheiro, Bola Prá Frente E6G (Bairro Padre Cruz), Dá-te ao Condado E6G (Chelas), Clube Desportivo Santo António de Lisboa (Quinta do Cabrinha). At half-time, we were able to watch a demonstration of cinotecnia of the project Mão-Guia. The games ended with the first place awarded to Companheiro and the fair-play prize to Santo Antonio.   KidFun – Benfica Foundation   Recycling Olympics   In the afternoon there were many entertainment activities. The Benfica Foundation has brought its KidFun project; the Cabrinha young people organized the Recycling Olympics; during the whole afternoon there was a pool in front of the base space of the Outros Campeonatos; the We Hate Tourism Tours drove […]

The Grand Tournament of Outros Campeonatos

It was the cabbages that saved us. We remember that the goal of this project is to produce a learning tool, about how to squat a river. We want to know how squatting activities increase the sustainable relationship between the river and the communities, economically, socially and environmentally. Our case study is the Jamor River.   At least three phases will be developed: first, making a first contact with the squatters on the banks of Jamor, collecting general information about this community: who they are, what they do, why they do it; the second, to know more closely the squatting activities, through interviews and other forms of data collection; the third, to systematize all the gathered information and to make a small film.   The first phase is completed: we walked down the Jamor river and we met the squatters established along the banks of the river, from its source, […]

Log Book I Day 9 I How to squat a river

Finally the river flowed! The National Sports Center of Jamor is located in Cruz Quebrada, very close to the place where the Jamor flows into the Tejo river.   The bed of Jamor is widening, and since its banks no longer have gardens. But the river continues to support a local community, for a sporting practice: there are nautical activities and water sports fields. Apart from the carers, there are people to walk around. The river has fish, several bird species and many underwater plants.     Then the river finally flows. There, right next to the Cruz Quebrada train station. It forms a small beach, some people enjoy the last days of heat of the year, there are cane fishermen in hand. The sea is in the distance.    

Log Book I Day 8 I How to squat a river

Third exercise of the mapping process developed by the Outros Campeonatos in the Quinta do Cabrinha neighborhood.   In this exercise, we wanted to know the forms of cultural expression of the neighborhood. As such, the Cabrinha community was involved. Each participant should indicate in the neighborhood map forms of cultural expression developed, either individually or collectively, according to seven categories: arts, customs, knowledge and crafts, beliefs, institutions, objects and buildings. The group of participants was characterized by their age and gender. Below the legend of the symbols used.     The following responses were obtained:     Descriptive analysis of responses Arts: 18 Answers The following artistic subjects are practiced locally: Handicrafts – several inhabitants are mentioned to have with enough skill to produce this type of objects, often through the reuse of materials such as brass, wood and others. Music – fado is very popular in Cabrinha (especially […]

Mapping the cultural heritage of Alcântara

Second exercise of the mapping process developed by Outros Campeonatos in the Quinta do Cabrinha neighborhood.   This collective mapping exercise was developed in two phases: the first one in Cabrinha, involving inhabitants of the neighborhood; the second, outside Cabrinha, but within the district of Alcântara, involving inhabitants of other neighborhoods of the district. The first phase aimed to obtain data that would allow us to know how the Cabrinha inhabitants use the urban resources that the district of Alcântara and its surroundings have; the second sought to obtain data of the same type, but relative to inhabitants of other neighborhoods of Alcântara. On one hand, we wanted to compare the extent to which the use of urban resources differs between the inhabitants of Cabrinha and the other inhabitants of Alcântara; on the other hand, we try to understand how the inhabitants of Alcântara come to the neighborhood of Quinta […]

Mapping the urban resources of Alcântara

First exercise of the mapping process developed by Outros Campeonatos in the Quinta do Cabrinha neighborhood.   We wanted to know what were the zones of sensorial comfort /discomfort of the district of Quinta do Cabrinha. So, the task was to identify these zones on the neighborhood map, using eight different symbols.     This exercise involved exclusively the inhabitants of Quinta do Cabrinha and was carried out individually. Here are some examples of the answers given:     The results obtained from 52 responses were as follows:   Green Mouth / Red Mouth For the Green Mouth symbol, participants gave the meaning of “good food”, “good talk” and “good fellowship”. To the Red Mouth symbol there were given meanings, such as “people screaming on the balconies of buildings”, “discussions”, “aggressive talk”.   Green Nose / Red Nose The Green Nose epresented for the participants “cleaned spaces” and “green spaces”. […]

Mapping the senses in Cabrinha

Throughout the implementation of the Outros Campeonatos, in the background of the main activities of the project, such as street football games or sustainable touristic visits, a continuous process of collective mapping of the neighborhood of Quinta do Cabrinha was developed.   The developed process aimed to understand the broader and deeper aspects of the neighborhood’s social reality. We wanted to know why people come and use the neighborhood Quinta do Cabrinha, those who live there, but also those who live in the surrounding areas; how the inhabitants of Cabrinha interact with each other and with the spaces and urban resources of the neighborhood and its surroundings; also, how the inhabitants of the neighboring areas relate to Cabrinha and have access to the resources they provide; finally, the immaterial heritage of Cabrinha, the wishes, the vocations and the knowledge of those who live there, the history and the stories that […]

Mapping Cabrinha