On the third Tuesday every month, at 21h30, in the Com Calma – Espaço Cultural (Benfica), we’ll launch new questions, based on a prejudice, stereotype or scapegoat propagated by neo-fascist movements.
“#neveragain (#nuncamais)Talks” are the first of many initiatives of the “#neveragain campaign”, thought and designed to fight the growth of the far-right in Portugal.
Join us to reflect, discuss and find strategies to deconstruct discriminatory, xenophobic and simplistic discourses.
All conversations will be streamed live in our facebook page by the PTRevolutionTV collective. You can also hear the episodes on podcast.
19th December 2019
Does the lack of housing contribute to the growth of the far-right?
Invitee: António Góri (Habita! – Associação pelo direito à habitação e à cidade)
Moderator: Leonor Duarte (Morar em Lisboa / Academia Cidadã)
10th December 2019
Are refugees invading us?
Invitee: Miguel Duarte (HuBB – Humans Before Borders)
Moderator: João Labrincha (Academia Cidadã)
21st January 2020
Is Climate Change an invention?
Invitee: Luís Fazendeiro (Climáximo)
Moderator: João Costa (Linha Vermelha / Academia Cidadã)
18th February 2020
Are we Portuguese not racist?
Invitee: André Amálio (ator e encenador)
Moderator: Mamadou Ba (SOS Racismo)
17th March 2020
Do feminists hate men?
Invitee: Carmo Gê Pereira (ativista feminista e LGBTQIA+, educadora sexual para adultos)
Moderator: Joana Amaral Grilo (Com Calma – Espaço Cultural)
21st April 2020
Does political correctness limit free speech?
Invitee: Cátia Domingues (humorista e guionista)
Moderator: Joana Dias (Academia Cidadã)
19th May 2020
Roma people do not want to integrate?
Invitee: Maria Gil (ativista cigana)
Moderator: João Labrincha (Academia Cidadã)
16th June 2020
Is “gender ideology” destroying the traditional family?
Invitee: Alexa Santos (INMUNE – Instituto da Mulher Negra em Portugal)
Moderator: Francisco Venes (Academia Cidadã)
15th September 2020
Does LGBTI+ education in schools subvert children?
Invitee: Tavares (Rede Ex Aequo)
Moderator: Mariana Rodrigues (Academia Cidadã)
20th October 2020
Did fake news elect Trump and Bolsonaro?
Moderator: Fumaça
Invitee: to define with moderation.