November 19 was the  Other Championships’ briefing, a Citizenship’s Academy project that is supported by the Lisbon City Council’s BIP / ZIP, and developed in partnership with Alcântara Parish Council, “Ventos de Mundança” (Winds Of Change) Youth Group, National Street Soccer Association and Lisbon Sustainable Tourism. Amongst other community actions, “Vozes do Cabrinha” (Cabrinha Voices) presented the  results obtained, through community consultation, during the first month’s project.   Q&A results Q&A were carried out that sought to know the inhabitants opinions concerning “citizen participation and community organization”, as well as the neighbourhood’s public and common spaces positive and negative aspects. 53 people were interviewed randomly:     1st question: Taking into account my living expirience in the neighborhood, I’ve got an active role in Cabrinha’s community Notice that most consider having an active role in the neighbourhood, namely, participating in local associations /organizations, or promoting mutual aid. The ones who […]

Cabrinha’s voices – Q&A results

“Other Championships” presentation party took place on Saturday November 19, at Cabrinha football field (Quinta do Cabrinha, neighborhood), in the presence of all the project’s partners. The project is funded by the BIP/ZIP, a Lisbon City Council program. Alcântara Parish Council was represented by its chairman, Davide Amado. Ana Paulos and Vanda Ramalho represented the Street Soccer National Association, while  and Cabrinha’s Youth “Ventos de Mudança” (Winds of Change) were represented by Joana Jacinto and Jorge Ramos, accordingly. There were several activities during the afternoon. We’ve been shown the work results that’s been developed so far; afterwards, street football and a snack have brought Cabrinha’s inhabitants near Citizenship’s Academy headquarters. “Projecto Alkantara” and “Fazer a Ponte” (“Making a Bridge”) projects brought us the Alkantara Dance Project presentation that’s had liven up the party in an almost full space. Afterwards, a biefing, to explain Outros Campeonatos project: what is it and  wants […]

Outros Campeonatos project has just started!

The day October’s 17, it proceeded the signature of the protocol between Citizenship Academy and Lisbon’s Town Hall, for the implementation of the project Outros Campeonatos, promoted by the former and financed by the latter, under the BIP/ZIP program.     Outros Campeonatos was designed to be implemented in Quinta do Cabrinha in Alcântara, between 2016 October and 2017 October. Its design was thanks to the knowledge and experience we gathered since the last three years of stay in the neighborhood, mainly from the contacts made with the community and local associations. This way, Outros Campeonatos is adapted not only to the specific needs of the community of Cabrinha, but as well as the vocation of the Citizenship Academy, which is the empowerment of people and organizations for active citizenship and social organization. The partners of this project are the Alcântara’s Town Council, the Street Football Nacional Association, the Lisbon […]

The project Outros Campeonatos is already starting!

The project “Outros Campeonatos” is starting! Outros Campeonatos is a project that began in October 2016, promoted by Academia Cidadã (Citizenship Academy) and financed by the program BIP/ZIP by Lisbon’s Town Hall, implemented in Quinta do Cabrinha, a public housing neighborhood in Alcântara – Lisbon. Has as formal partners Alcântara’s Parish Council, the small youthful group of Cabrinha “Ventos de Mudança” (Winds of Change), the Street Football Nacional Association and the Lisbon Sustainable Tourism. “The Pre-Season of the Championship” is the first activity of Outros Campeonatos. It presents Outros Campeonatos to the community and establishes the organization of the whole project. Straight contact begins with the population that already plays on the streets, through the Ventos de Mudança: creation of empathy, understanding problems and opinions. People are captivated to partake in the project. Through the development of auscultation actions, it is aimed to comprehend how are the internal relationships of […]

Outros Campeonatos_The Pre-Season of the Championship

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Temos o prazer de te convidar a participar, no próximo fim-de-semana, num conjunto de atividades sobre a Gentrificação em Lisboa, resultantes da Master Class “Gentrification, Tourism and Citymaking”:   Domingo, 16 de Outubro 13h00: Lançamento do booklet da Master Class Apresentação pelo Prof. Marc Glaudemans (Stadslab – European Urban Design) com a presença  da reitora da Fontys-Tilburg University (Holanda), Karen Neervoort. Local: CIM – Centro de Inovação da Mouraria (entrada pela Travessa dos Lagares).   11h00: Exibição do documentário  “Em Breve Estarás Aqui” + Visita Guiada Filme do realizador Fabio Petronilli, sobre a Mouraria e a Master Class, seguindo-se uma visita guiada pelo arquiteto Nuno Simões, que desenhou o CIM, a outros projectos de reabilitação da Mouraria […]

(Português) Fim-de-semana sobre Turismo e Gentrificação

The ideals to discuss and to create alternatives towards issues such as urban poverty; the urgency to have more democratic and participative urban planning projects, giving a fair response to the needs of the newcomers and war victims; the privatization or public spaces; and the negative effects of gentrification, were the central issues of this four-day meeting in Amsterdam, at the City Makers Summit, together with so many projects that make the difference everyday, on a local, regional, national and international level.   The citizens-politicians   The idea of city-making is a political movement. A movement that includes anyone willing to claim a city that promotes direct action with a stronger participative power, supporting visible changes on the urban and social programme. Claiming the right to public spaces ( or the heterotopian spaces that Lefebvre used to claim) as a “survival strategie”, we are also confronting all the social and […]

Because the city is for everyone to have it

When three years ago I visited Bucharest, I gained a not very favorable impression about the city. It seemed gray and the streets, the buildings, the people were also gray – as they beared upon themselves the burden of the totalitarian past, 70 years of Soviet dictatorship had not definitely stood back. Maybe that’s why the new visit I made to the city, in the past 9 to 12 June, has caused me much surprise. This was a field trip, within the project New Europe – Cities in Transition, in order to visit locally based projects that promote the city as an area of inclusion, sustainability and participation. We were welcomed by members of Zeppelin and, in addition to the Citizenship Academy, were present organizations from Berlin (Mörchenpaprk), London (Paddington Development Trust) and Amsterdam (Pakhuis of Zwijger). Three days have come to realize how Bucharest had radically changed over the […]

Winds of change in Bucharest

Between the 27th and the 30th of May 2016, the Pakhuis de Zwijger foundation, in the Netherlands, promoted the meeting of more than 600 activists, coming from the four corners of Europe. Because they are normally involved in democratization actions of the cities, as spaces of inclusion, prosperity and resilience, they are called as the “City Makers”. It was during the “City  Makers Summit” that they met, to talk about the main problems of their cities, and the practices that they have been developing, in order to solve them.     City Makers   Visit to the centre of Zaanstad, which was complete renovated in the last 5 years, looking to offer more inclusion, functionality and visual beauty. This Summit had two main goals. The first one was to provide field trips to participants to Dutch local based projects or initiatives, with actions developed in urban context, regarding the improvement of the […]

Let us make an Europe of Democracy

Synthesis by Igor Marko Photos @ Academia Cidadã and participants of the Master Class   The highly challenging urban regeneration case-study was focused on one of Lisbon’s oldest districts – Mouraria.   Lisbon Masterclass #1 – Exploring Mouraria – site analysis, observation and mapping   Paula Marques, councilwoman for Housing of the Municipality of Lisbon, during the Master Class’s opening   Mouraria originated as a 13th century Moorish neighbourhood and remained a marginal downtown area. Nowadays, parts of Mouraria are affected by tourism, others are still deprived with high levels of migrant population and social housing. Cheap property prices and proximity to other tourist destinations (Alfama, Castelo) raise realistic assumptions that Mouraria will face large influx of investment in real estate and tourism infrastructure, resulting in gentrification.   Field trip to historic centre of Lisbon, promoted by Lisbon Sustainable Tourism   Lisboa Masterclass # 2 – Methods and Processes – […]

Master Class “City Making and Tourism Gentrification”

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. A Academia Cidadã convida todxs xs cidadãxs a participar num debate informal, aberto e dinâmico sobre a democracia direta, seguido de jantar vegano e de projeção de um filme (a anunciar em breve). O evento terá lugar no dia 14 de maio, pelas 18h30, na Fábrica de Alternativas (Rua Margarida Palla, 19A – Algés) O objetivo é discutir o tema da democracia, principalmente a direta, em Portugal, dando a conhecer a experiência dxs convidadxs e a tua. Presenças confirmadas: -Isabel Pires- deputada pelo Bloco de Esquerda -Paulo Muacho- membro do Livre -Rodrigo Morais- estudante de Ciência Politica (ISCTE) -Leonor Duarte- ativista da Right2Water e STOP TTIP -Marcelo Yamada- ativista da Academia Cidadã Junta-te a nós! O jantar tem […]

(Português) Democracia hoje: Participativa ou Decorativa? | 14 Maio – Algés