ERASMUS+ Project; Erasmus+ Program Key Action 1: Individual Mobility – Adult Education With this project carried out during 2022, the Citizen Academy challenged itself to: Increase the capacity of the adult education program, in order to support citizens and communities in combating climate change, social exclusion, and various forms of inequality. Integrate new pedagogical practices, particularly those that foster active citizenship. Increase the skills and knowledge of its members in: training methods that promote social entrepreneurship and community-led responses to climate change and inclusion; educational methods designed to motivate and promote pro-environmental civic initiatives; methods for developing the well-being, care, and resilience of members and groups involved in active citizenship projects and community-led projects. Create new opportunities for European cooperation, allowing the exchange of practices with other educational organizations. This project was carried out within the framework of Erasmus+ KA1 Adult education staff mobility and in partnership with Col·lectiu Eco-Actiu. […]

Erasmus+: Training Among Activists In Europe

The Citizenship Academy celebrated its 10th anniversary on May 15th and, in partnership with “Setenta e Quatro”, we talked online around the question “do we live in the safest country in the world or in the one on CMTV?” The Citizenship Academy motto was launched by the people who organized the Geração à Rasca (Distressed Generation) Protest, on March 12, 2011, which inaugurated a new form of citizen participation in Europe, by being called on social media and without party or institutional support. Just over a year later, on May 15, 2012, the Citizenship Academy was registered, with the aim of boosting active citizenship and building roots of development with principles of social, economic and environmental sustainability. The anniversary celebration will take place next Tuesday, at 9:30 pm, in a conversation broadcast live on Citizenship Academy Facebook. Participation will be open to the public, through this link. The organization of […]

10th anniversary of Academia Cidadã talking about journalism and security

Citizenship Academy celebrates ten years of existence on May 15th and, next Tuesday, at 9:30 pm, in partnership with “Setenta e Quatro”, we talk online around the question “do we live in the safest country in the world or on CMTV?” The Citizenship Academy motto was launched by the people who organized the Geração à Rasca Protest, on March 12, 2011, which inaugurated a new form of citizen participation in Europe, by being called on social media and without party or institutional support. Just over a year later, on May 15, 2012, the Citizenship Academy was registered, with the aim of boosting active citizenship and building roots of development with principles of social, economic and environmental sustainability. The anniversary celebration will take place next Tuesday, at 9:30 pm, in a conversation broadcast live on Citizenship Academy Facebook. Participation will be open to the public, via Zoom. The organization of the […]

Journalism and security in the 10 years of Academia Cidadã

A 18 de janeiro de 2022, às 21h30, convidamos-te a conversar com:  ANA GOMES, segunda candidata mais votada em eleições presidenciais (2021), ex-Eurodeputada, ex-Embaixadora, membro do Partido Socialista.  SUSANA COROADO, Presidente da Transparência Internacional Portugal, investigadora no Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa e bolseira Re:Constitution.  A política corrompe todas as pessoas que nela se envolvem?  Estará a corrupção relacionada com a economia e/ou a cultura de um país?  Serão umas pessoas mais corruptíveis que outras por questões genéticas ou étnicas? Filho de corrupto, corrupto será?  Os políticos são o reflexo de um povo? Está apenas presente na política ou existe microcorrupção generalizada no nosso país?  Em Portugal, 88% das pessoas acreditam que há corrupção no Governo e 41% pensam que a corrupção aumentou no último ano, segundo um estudo da Transparência Internacional feito em 2020.  A cada dois meses, na terceira terça-feira, lançamos uma nova pergunta baseada num preconceito veiculado por movimentos de extrema-direita. Vamos refletir e encontrar estratégias para desmontar discursos discriminatórios, xenófobos e simplistas.  Conversas #nuncamais […]

Os políticos são todos corruptos?