Outros Campeonatos

We continue walking through Lisbon, learning about the work of community building that is being done here and spreading street football into other places. This time, we left Cabrinha in the direction of the city center, to visit Casa do Brasil in Lisbon, in the middle of Bairro Alto. It was Carnival, we had to make a visit, right? We were, as always, immensely well received. Diógenes explained how the Casa do Brasil in Lisbon works, the services they provide to the community and the activities they organize. It was another opportunity to meet people who organize themselves around the common good, working for better conditions for all. We bring ideas and good energy from these meetings to keep doing what we do and improve our practices. We continued towards the Jardim do Princípe Real for a street football game in the city. We were there to […]

We launch here a series of articles written by the partners that dynamize with us the “Outros Campeonatos”. The idea was to diversify the type of speech produced about the project and to understand how all those involved see what we are building in Quinta do Cabrinha. These articles are also used to better understand how the partners of the Outros Campeonatos are involved in the activities promoted within the project. The plurality of points of view will help to reflect on the practices and to better build the future. We reproduce here the opinion of the “Associação Nacional de Futebol de Rua” (National Association of Street Football): “The Associação Nacional de Futebol de Rua has as its mission to promote the social and sports methodology of street football as an innovative strategy of socio-pedagogical and cultural intervention with a view to human development and social inclusion. Since 2009, it […]
Partners Articles – National Association of Street Football

This was the first exit of the “Outros Campeonatos” (Other Championships). We planned to go playing street football in the Padre Cruz neighborhood with the Associação Nacional de Futebol de Rua (National Association of Street Football) and we went for a walk during all day. It was a heterogeneous group, which came out of Cabrinha, from small to grown up kids. O Lisbon Sustainable Tourism organized us a full day and there we went. The game was only in the afternoon but we got up early in the morning and at 9 in the morning (more or less) there was everyone next to the vans that We Hate Tourism Tours made available to lead us towards the “Moinho da Juventude” (Youth Mill). We were welcomed with open arms in Cova da Moura. The staff of Moinho showed us the neighborhood, explained to us what they are doing and the struggles […]
There are other Championships out of the Cabrinha!

On 26th January, another action of Outros Campeonatos(Other Championships), took place in Quinta do Cabrinha. The meeting “Foi assim que começámos” (This is how we started), aimed to collect and share, in a relatively informal way, stories of experiences of youth associations happening in the Lisbon area. Following the guidelines of “Outros Campeonatos”, the testimonies of the invited associations were directed to the Quinta do Cabrinha community and the young people strongly answered the call. This initiative came as a follow-up to a conversation with Jorge Ramos, a member of the young informal group “Ventos de Mudança” (Winds of Change), our partner. Jorge, being inhabitant of the neighborhood since its genesis, had already undergone the process of trying to create a youth association here in Quinta do Cabrinha. This attempt was ruined but the bug stayed and came back now. We came to the conclusion that it would be of […]
This is how we started – Meeting on Youth Associativism and Active Citizenship

Good vibes to Cabrinha!… … This is the Christmas wish of who have participated in one more street action of the project “Outros Campeonatos”, made by the Cabrinha community, for the Cabrinha community. Natal de Bairro was made in several moments, each one contributing to the previous established goals: to develop collaborative working methods in the neighbourhood, to involve the Cabrinha inhabitants in a common action and to enrich the common spaces and public space of the neighbourhood. Moment 1: TO PLAN It was from the will and ideas of our participants that “Natal de Bairro” street action started to be developed: decided and prepared by the Cabrinha community, for the Cabrinha community. After a brain storm, it was determined that we would embellish all the neighbourhood with Christmas decorations, which elaboration would be the most participated as possible. Moment 2: TO INVOLVE Various forms were […]
Neighborhood Christmas (“Natal de Bairro”)

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. O projeto Outros Campeonatos convida a participar na formação “Futebol de rua e construção de comunidade”, desenvolvida em parceria pela Academia Cidadã e pela Associação Nacional de Futebol de Rua. Participação gratuita sujeita a inscrição. Limitada a 10 participantes. Evento no FB O quê? História do futebol de rua; Futebol de rua: técnica e tática; Competências psicossociais / interpessoais: O que são? Quais são? Como trabalhar? Futebol de rua + competências psicossociais / interpessoais = modalidade desportiva ao serviço da inclusão, da participação e do desenvolvimento comunitário Componente prática Onde? Associação Nacional de Futebol de Rua Morada: Rua de Barcelona, Cv. 133, 1600-455 Lisboa Telefone: 21 014 0931 Quando? 5, 6 e 7 de […]
(Português) Formação – “Futebol de rua e construção de comunidade”

Portrait exhibition of Cabrinha community. It is a developing pilot-project which means this is really just a start. This start aims to identify the most valued aspects by this community concerning their neighborhood. This start helps to promote, even though in a shy way, the community self-esteem. Thanks to ever one that has participated! Guilherme – Friends Dionísio – My shop Preciosa- The help of Project Alkantara Paula Ramos – The children and the neighbours Ana and Tiago- Playing soccer Graça – My house and my balcony Ana Paula Brito – My house, love and quietness Hélio, Joni and Leo – The soccer field Ludovina – My house and my balcony Adriana – Playing and friends Jorge Santos – Taking the children in field trips and tours during their holidays Graça Pereira – The soccer field […]
The good thing about Cabrinha is

On November 19th there was a presentation party of “Outros Campeonatos”, a project of the Citizenship Academy (CA), developed under the BIP / ZIP program of the Lisbon City Council, partnered with the Parish Council of Alcântara, a group of young people “Ventos de Mudança” (Winds of Change), the Associação Nacional de Futebol de Rua and Lisbon Sustainable Tourism. Among other actions of community involvement, the “Vozes do Cabrinha” (Voices of Cabrinha) action was developed, where the results of the ausculation were carried out with the community throughout the duration of the first month of project implementation. The Cabrinha We Want This action consisted of a consultation that sought to gather opinions and suggestions regarding the public space and common spaces of the neighborhood. Looking at 12 photos of the neighborhood, we asked people to reflect on the images by writing down what they would like to see changed. […]
The Cabrinha we want

November 19 was the Other Championships’ briefing, a Citizenship’s Academy project that is supported by the Lisbon City Council’s BIP / ZIP, and developed in partnership with Alcântara Parish Council, “Ventos de Mundança” (Winds Of Change) Youth Group, National Street Soccer Association and Lisbon Sustainable Tourism. Amongst other community actions, “Vozes do Cabrinha” (Cabrinha Voices) presented the results obtained, through community consultation, during the first month’s project. Q&A results Q&A were carried out that sought to know the inhabitants opinions concerning “citizen participation and community organization”, as well as the neighbourhood’s public and common spaces positive and negative aspects. 53 people were interviewed randomly: 1st question: Taking into account my living expirience in the neighborhood, I’ve got an active role in Cabrinha’s community Notice that most consider having an active role in the neighbourhood, namely, participating in local associations /organizations, or promoting mutual aid. The ones who […]
Cabrinha’s voices – Q&A results

“Other Championships” presentation party took place on Saturday November 19, at Cabrinha football field (Quinta do Cabrinha, neighborhood), in the presence of all the project’s partners. The project is funded by the BIP/ZIP, a Lisbon City Council program. Alcântara Parish Council was represented by its chairman, Davide Amado. Ana Paulos and Vanda Ramalho represented the Street Soccer National Association, while and Cabrinha’s Youth “Ventos de Mudança” (Winds of Change) were represented by Joana Jacinto and Jorge Ramos, accordingly. There were several activities during the afternoon. We’ve been shown the work results that’s been developed so far; afterwards, street football and a snack have brought Cabrinha’s inhabitants near Citizenship’s Academy headquarters. “Projecto Alkantara” and “Fazer a Ponte” (“Making a Bridge”) projects brought us the Alkantara Dance Project presentation that’s had liven up the party in an almost full space. Afterwards, a biefing, to explain Outros Campeonatos project: what is it and wants […]