On November 19th there was a presentation party of “Outros Campeonatos”, a project of the Citizenship Academy (CA), developed under the BIP / ZIP program of the Lisbon City Council, partnered with the Parish Council of Alcântara, a group of young people “Ventos de Mudança” (Winds of Change), the Associação Nacional de Futebol de Rua and Lisbon Sustainable Tourism.
Among other actions of community involvement, the “Vozes do Cabrinha” (Voices of Cabrinha) action was developed, where the results of the ausculation were carried out with the community throughout the duration of the first month of project implementation.
The Cabrinha We Want
This action consisted of a consultation that sought to gather opinions and suggestions regarding the public space and common spaces of the neighborhood. Looking at 12 photos of the neighborhood, we asked people to reflect on the images by writing down what they would like to see changed. More benches, trees, a community garden…?
A direct action that lasted two days, and that happened in two different places of the neighborhood: in the first day, in the street of the CA, and in the following day, in the street of the cafes. People approached, curious, and when it was explained explicitly what we were doing, there would readily have interventions to make, sometimes in the form of a complaint, and others in the form of a suggestion. Then, at the headquarters, we analyzed the interventions of the people, and we came to some conclusions.
Most of the interventions, in the first place, related to a lack of hygiene and safety in the neighborhood. Secondly, there was a need for greater preservation and maintenance of the neighborhood’s equipment, and thirdly a valuation of the public space and common spaces through the new equipment. Finally, there was a lack of green areas in the neighborhood.
Our pictures below, with the indicators, accompanied by examples of the interventions made by the inhabitants of Cabrinha.
Interventions related to a neighborhood community organization.
We suggest a greater organization among people, with the development of more leisure activities and creation of greater commitment among neighbors. Finally, they said that it is needed the participation of all, with greater cooperation and empowerment of the people.
Once again, below, with the indicators, accompanied by examples of the interventions made by the inhabitants of Cabrinha.