The day October’s 17, it proceeded the signature of the protocol between Citizenship Academy and Lisbon’s Town Hall, for the implementation of the project Outros Campeonatos, promoted by the former and financed by the latter, under the BIP/ZIP program.
Outros Campeonatos was designed to be implemented in Quinta do Cabrinha in Alcântara, between 2016 October and 2017 October. Its design was thanks to the knowledge and experience we gathered since the last three years of stay in the neighborhood, mainly from the contacts made with the community and local associations. This way, Outros Campeonatos is adapted not only to the specific needs of the community of Cabrinha, but as well as the vocation of the Citizenship Academy, which is the empowerment of people and organizations for active citizenship and social organization. The partners of this project are the Alcântara’s Town Council, the Street Football Nacional Association, the Lisbon Sustainable Tourism and the youthful group of Cabrinha’s “Ventos de Mudança” (Winds of Change).
Outros Campeonatos aims to promote active citizenship in the community of Quinta do Cabrinha. The project will contribute for the social fortification of the neighborhood, promoting community organization, capacity for local initiative and greater democratic awareness. It will also promote an opening of the neighborhood to society in general, reinforcing its integrity in the city. The main strategies of action will be street football and tourism. Street football events draw the inhabitants of the neighborhood to intervene and participate in its organization and implementation – with facilitation of tools and processes of organized citizen participation. Tourism helps rethinking the neighborhood, opening the community to new citizenship experiences.
Here (in portuguese) you can read the project in its entirety.
The first activity of Outros Campeonatos is already running, its name is “A Pré-Temporada do Campeonato” (The Pre-Season of the Championship). It consists of internal organization of the project and deepening of contacts with the community, namely through the auscultation of the people, regarding the relationship between the neighborhood inhabitants, the public space and the relationship with the rest of the city..
This activity will culminate in the public inauguration of the project, which is to be held on November 19, at Quinta do Cabrinha, between 3pm and 6pm, to which everyone is invited to attend.
On this day the project will be publicly presented (objectives, action strategy, goals, partners, etc.), as well as the results obtained from the public auscultation will be published. There will also be a projection of the first video created with the community (the first of many!), ending with a party with a celebration toast!
We hope that this project will make a difference in the neighborhood of Cabrinha, as well as in the lives of the inhabitants, helping them becoming more aware, critical, socially active and organized, and therefore more resilient! For this, we are also counting with the help and participation of all, from inside and outside the neighborhood, to turn this will into reality!