What we do

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.   Data: 29 de outubro de 2017 Início: 11h30 | Fim: 17h00 Local: Rua da Quinta do Cabrinha, 10 A/B, Alcântara, Lisboa   Tens boas ideias e preocupas-te com as falhas da nossa sociedade? Neste workshop vamos encontrar formas positivas de pôr em prática campanhas e projetos sociais. Na Academia Cidadã queremos dar-te as ferramentas para atuar e ajudar-te a defender a democracia, a igualdade, a inclusão e a sustentabilidade. Vem conhecer-nos e criAtivar(-te).   Inscreve-te (grátis) neste formulário, até dia 27 de outubro: https://academiacidada.org/criatividade-formulario/   E ajuda a divulgar o evento no facebook.

(Português) CriAtividade – desperta @ ativista que há em ti

Oeiras is also a land of squatter gardens. The previous days served us to follow the course of the Jamor, always inside the county of Sintra. On this day we pass to the other side of the IC19 (complementary itinerary 19) and we arrive at Oeiras.   The river Jamor is born in the Serra da Carregueira (Carregueira hill), county of Sintra, and flows into Cruz Quebrada, Oeiras municipality. It crosses two municipalities, both of Greater Lisbon, making Jamor an urban river, since it is born, runs and flows in a metropolitan area, Lisbon.. This is also one of the most populated regions of Portugal. Dona Maria, Brejo, Belas, Pendão and finally Queluz. This is the route that Jamor does, and that we visited in the municipality of Sintra. On this day we entered the municipality of Oeiras, in Queluz de Baixo. Here the right bank of the river narrows […]

Log Book I Day 7 I How to squat a river

When in the middle of the city the field breaks out The gardens in Queluz are impressive by the contrast they create with the surrounding buildings. It seems that the countryside is invading the city, finally the triumph of nature.   From the promenade that is over the huge plain that accompanies the Jamor, near the train station of Queluz-Belas, there are always many people working the land. On that day, we set up a conversation at the distance with two gentlemen, who, down below, watered with a huge hose what appeared to be baby cabbages. We wanted to know how to get off. They shouted at us that we would have to go to the end of Miguel Bombarda Avenue and enter through an opening between two buildings. We found such opening and walked along a path, along the left bank of Jamor; we saw how the river there […]

Log Book I Day 6 I How to squat a river

Senior squatters between Belas and Queluz. At the entrance of Queluz we learned to apply a new concept: farm squatter.   Mr. Patrício is a squatter at Quinta das Andorinhas. It is a squatting that lasts for more than 40 years, which makes Mr. Patrício (and we affirm it with all respect) a senior squatter. He divides the land, which is private property, not from the state, with at least one other person. This squatter farm is located between Belas and Queluz, but it is not the only one, in the surroundings. There are dozens of other farms squatted on the terraces, well-treated, both down (toward the river) and up (toward the hills). In the case of Mr. Patrício, the Sintra City Council (CMS) made him sign a declaration, in which he undertakes to vacate the land, if there is interest in this, either by the owner or by the […]

Log Book I Day 5 I How to squat a river

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. No Grandi Navi: ricomincia la mobilitazione a Venezia „La “due giorni” vede convergere in laguna tra gli altri: i tedeschi del Movement against Stuttgart 21, i francesi del Comitè contre la construction de l’aereporte de Notre Dame des Landes, i portoghesi di Academia Cidadã, e i catalani di Ciutat per a qui l’habita Palma o i greci di Hellenic Mining Watch.“ Potrebbe interessarti: http://www.veneziatoday.it/cronaca/no-nav-grandi-navi-venezia.html

(Português) VENEZIA TODAY: No Grandi Navi, musica e gadget contro i giganti in laguna: il ritorno alle Zattere

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Per questo all’appello lanciato dal comitato No Grandi Navi hanno aderito in tanti e da tutta Europa. All’assemblea che si svolgerà sabato pomeriggio ai Magazzini del Sale, parteciperanno delegazioni del movimento tedesco contro Stuttgard 21, di Ciutat per a qui l’habita Palma delle isole Baleari, di portoghesi di Academia Cidadã e del Comitè francese contre la construction de l’aereporte de Notre Dame des Landes. Non potevano mancare i No Tav della Val di Susa, i No Muos siciliani, i No Tap del salento ed i napoletani di Stop Biocidio.   A Venezia le “Giornate europee dei movimenti per la difesa dei territori”

(Português) ALTRECONOMIA: A Venezia le “Giornate europee dei movimenti per la difesa dei territori”

  It is already next Saturday, September 9, 2017, starting at 10h00, at Quinta do Cabrinha, in Alcântara. Outros Campeonatos reaches a special date, the Grand Tournament one! It will be a day full of activities: in addition to the street football tournament, which takes place in the morning, we have prepared activities throughout the day with and for the local community (population and institutions), to promote social cohesion and the improvement of public space. We also have the participation of the Fundação Benfica (Benfica Foundation) and the Mão-Guia project (Hand-Guide project) and we will publicly reveal the results of the Outros Campeonatos project. After almost a year of intense work with the community of Quinta do Cabrinha, we invite you to come and share with us this day. Come, everyone, come to Cabrinha!   The program is as follows: PROGRAM 10h-14h – Street Football Tournament Sports exchange between neighbourhoods […]

There will be a party! The Grand Tournament of Outros Campeonatos

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Die Häuser sind jedoch längst nicht mehr nur in der Hand von Portugiesen. Mit einer Reihe von Sonderbedingungen lockt der portugiesische Staat gut betuchte ausländische Investoren nach Portugal: Das so genannte “Goldene Visum” vergibt eine fünfjährige Aufenthaltsgenehmigung an Nicht-EU-Bürger, die eine Immobilie im Wert von mindestens 500.000 Euro kaufen; und Rentner aus anderen EU-Staaten zahlen 10 Jahre lang keine Steuern auf ihre Bezüge, wenn sie in Portugal ihren Hauptwohnsitz haben. Leonor Duarte vom Lissabonner Bürgerverein “Academia Cidadã” kritisiert diese Politik.   http://www.deutschlandfunk.de/tourismusboom-in-portugal-fluch-oder-segen.724.de.html?dram:article_id=393350

(Português) DEURSCHLANDFUNK: Tourismusboom in Portugal – Fluch oder Segen?

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. A mensagem integrou também a Campanha Linha Vermelha – uma campanha criada pela Climáximo e a Academia Cidadã. A linha vermelha representa a voz dos que repetidamente disseram não à exploração de petróleo, tanto em Portugal como no resto do mundo, e que ao tricotar e crochetar, pretendem informar e mobilizar a população que caso contrário não seria sensibilizada para este crime.   https://www.maisalgarve.pt/noticias/regionais/8342-mensagem-na-praia-de-odeceixe-nao-ao-furo-sim-ao-futuro

(Português) +ALGARVE: Mensagem na praia de Odeceixe | Não ao Furo, Sim ao Futuro!

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Os grupos ambientalistas ASMAA (Algarve Surf and Marine Association), ALA (Alentejo Litoral pelo Ambiente), Climáximo, Vila do Bispo sem petróleo, Tavira em Transição, Campanha Linha Vermelha, bem como os municípios de Aljezur e Odemira, juntaram-se a esta ação, que se integra na iniciativa “Defender o Sagrado: Imaginar uma Alternativa Global”. 13 de Agosto de 2017 http://www.sulinformacao.pt/2017/08/pessoas-de-40-paises-formaram-mensagem-humana-gigante-na-praia-de-odeceixe-contra-exploracao-de-petroleo/

(Português) SUL INFORMAÇÃO: Pessoas de 40 países formaram mensagem humana gigante na praia de Odeceixe contra exploração de petróleo