We did

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Em paralelo, a Linha Vermelha desfiou agulhas e linhas para “alertar e consciencializar os portugueses para a exploração do petróleo e do gás em Portugal”, explicou Catarina Gomes, responsável pela campanha nacional que recorre às artes do tricô e do croché para desenhar uma estratégia “mais leve” e “convidativa”, porque, “quando as pessoas ouvem estes assuntos, sobre o petróleo, qualquer coisa relacionada com activismo, ou coisas mais sérias, assustam-se”. Mário Lopes Pereira 29 de Julho de 2017 https://www.publico.pt/2017/07/29/fotogaleria/dizer-nao-ao-petroleo-no-alentejo-com-tinta-de-choco-375942

(Português) PÚBLICO: Dizer não ao petróleo no Alentejo com tinta de choco

Looking for the river spring We wanted to start from the beginning, that is, to find the place where the river Jamor rises. This was not easy.   Contrary to expectations, the web doesn’t inform where the source of Jamor is. All that we can find is a vague information about how the river rises in Dona Maria, in Serra da Carregueira, county of Sintra. With a filming camera in hand, we went on this true expedition. And we discovered the following: a) Dona Maria is a very small village in the suburbs of Greater Lisbon, but still preserves very rural characteristics - small farms, unordered houses that lead to small squares, dust roads and many fountains; In Dona Maria everybody knows and / or has a degree of kinship. b) The river Jamor is gaining different names, depending on the place where it passes (Ribeira de Belas, Ribeira do […]

Log Book I Day 1 I How to squat a river

WE WON!   There, we said it.   Last Saturday, we had the honour of being invited to the IX Street Football Tournament of the Bairro Padre Cruz.   The Associação Nacional de Futebol de Rua (National Street Football Association) organized a formidable event in the recent street football square in the heart of the neighbourhood. It was with great pleasure that we went, once again, to Carnide to hang out with our partners; those who taught us the little we know about these street football wanderings. All that we’ve done here related to street football, we owe them.     We left Quinta do Cabrinha excited with the afternoon we were going to have in Carnide, and with no expectations whatsoever regarding the classification we would get in the tournament. It was not even an issue raised by anyone (really, not even the most competitive of our players spoke […]

Cabrinha, The Champion

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Festejamos o amor pelos dois, mas não reconhecemos o amor a 3 ou a 4… Um país governado por uma geringonça tem de aceitar as geringonças do amor. Hoje, erguemo-nos como uma fénix, por todas as lutas, porque elas se entrecruzam. Mas ainda mais pelas pessoas trans, que estiveram sempre à cabeça das lutas queer, deram o corpo ao manifesto e às balas, e continuam a ser as mais discriminadas, também por esta comunidade. Por elas e por nós, hoje e sempre, não façamos silêncio e tanta gente. Porque o povo avança é na rua a gritar! O general Galvão de Melo já nos tinha avisado que o 25 de Abril não tinha sido feito para as […]


This is a special article. Michele Spatari, an Italian apprentice of architecture, as passed as a storm at Quinta do Cabrinha. He was in Lisbon, until the end of June, collaborating with Colectivo Warehouse and found it made sense to come to Quinta do Cabrinha and photograph its people. His words are always going to be better than hours to find out the how and why of this happening. We offer you the interview and some of the pictures he left us with.   Hi, Michele. Can you please introduce yourself? Ciao! My name is Michele Spatari and I am an Italian architecture graduate trying to find his path into photojournalism, documentary photography and the news media in general. I know, it is an arduous path. I was born in a middle-sized city in northern Italy called Bologna in 1991 and I was lucky enough to have the chance to live these […]

What does an Italian photographer see in Cabrinha?

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Leonor Duarte, psicóloga e fundadora da Academia Cidadã, parte do movimento Morar em Lisboa, diz que o que se está a passar em Lisboa é “um segundo terramoto”. A diferença é que os terramotos não são premeditados e esta convulsão, na sua opinião, não foi apenas uma fúria da natureza. “Estas coisas não acontecem por acaso: há uma promoção da cidade de Lisboa como um centro para o investimento estrangeiro, querem Lisboa concorrida, cosmopolita, limpinha. Um terramoto é uma coisa destrutiva e, depois de acontecer, normalmente há uma limpeza e constrói-se de novo. É mais ou menos essa a intenção”, refere Leonor Duarte, de 45 anos, ao Observador. “Eu sou igual a qualquer arrendatário em Lisboa: vivo […]

(Português) OBSERVADOR: “Em Lisboa está tudo à espera de arrendar a casa à Madonna”

There is a cycle that comes to an end in “Outros Campeonatos” from which emerge created relationships, work done and the joint effort of opening the neighborhood to other communities scattered throughout the city. The visits that were scheduled for these first months of the project have come to an end, with the presence of Campolide Soma&Segue – E6G in Quinta do Cabrinha. There is a sense of satisfaction for everything that has been done so far within the community of Quinta do Cabrinha. It was very unlikely that anyone who came here during these months would have done otherwise. This is also the job, yes, to provide these meetings, but that is not what it tastes like. It is important to see things happening with the eyes of those who see and what we see is growth. Growth that happens in the relationship with others and with the collaboration […]

“Outros Campeonatos” moves Onwards and Upwards

After the XX century trend of squatting houses, we bring to the XXI a new necessity: squatting rivers. By using unsustainable economic models, urban communities have been losing their rivers as a common good. It is urgent to rescue the ancient relationship between both. How to squat a river is a R&D comprehensive learning tool that aims to show how can a community redeem a river for the common good.     The river-city relationship is essential for urban development. The availability of water was always one of the decisive factors for the definitive establishment of populations. With the industrial advance, river-city relationships have changed. There is a functional separation, caused by great works of correction perpetrated to urban rivers, aggravated by the strong levels of pollution of streams and banks. If the larger rivers are now used almost exclusively for economic purposes, the smaller ones, usually extremely polluted, constitute, […]

How to squat a river

The visits continue and Quinta do Cabrinha received (and well, as always) another group of guests on the past Saturday. The Dá-te ao Condado (give yourself to the county) project, from the old J zone of Chelas, now “Bairro do Condado”, came to visit the “Outros Campeonatos” and Quinta do Cabrinha for another day of activities. Street football set the tone for the day, on a morning of rushing and gambling. Games were played between the two neighborhoods and then everyone was mixed. Street football is a way of creating links and relationships. In addition to making us look at ourselves and others within a group, playing with people we still do not know compels us to evaluate how we relate with each other.     These Saturday visits always follow the same script, and anyone who has read the other articles on any of them knows that Um Outro […]

Condado (the County) in Alcântara