Cine-Café Touristification

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Entrada grátis. Segue-se um debate aberto com a participação de Margarida David Cardoso (Público) e Forum dos Cidadãos. Temos o prazer de te convidar a participar, no próximo dia 10 de Janeiro (terça-feira), às 21h, em mais um Cine-Café, a ter lugar no Lisboa Vadia (Rua de São Mamede ao Caldas nº 33 A, Lisboa). “TERRAMOTOURISM” Um documentario do colectivo Left Hand Rotation Música: Ricardo jacinto Sinopse A 1 de novembro de 1755 um terramoto destruiu a cidade de Lisboa. O seu impacto foi tal que deslocou o homem do centro da criação. As suas ruínas legitimaram o despotismo esclarecido. Lisboa hoje treme novamente, abalada por um sismo turístico que transforma a cidade a velocidade de cruzeiro. O […]

(Português) Exibição do “Terramotourism” + debate aberto

“Barcelona? A theme park. “ This is how the documentary that will pass in the next session of Cine-Café touristification starts, on April 19, at 21h30, in Lisboa Vadia. Bye bye Barcelona is the documentary outburst of Eduardo Chibás on mass tourism, where it is debated the relationship between the local life and tourists. Borned in Caracas, Venuzuela, Chibás assumes that he never met the Ramblas of people from Barcelona. He lives, however, long enough to feel the negative impacts of touristification of which is the 4th most visited city in Europe, after London, Rome and Paris, and the leader in the number of cruises that receives from the continent and the Mediterranean. This phenomenon has greatly affected the dwindling number of residents of the center of a city increasingly expensive. Many of the approximately 30,000 tourists who arrive daily in cruises in the city of Barcelona do not see how […]

Free Cinema: “Bye bye Barcelona” I Cine Café Touristification

 [article written by Leonor Duarte, Sara Aranha and Joana Dias] In the past 15th march, at Lisboa Vadia, there was an other debate about touristification in Lisbon, after the film Cidade Guiada (Guided City), a documentary produced by Catarina Leal. It was a night full of ideas, with the presence of the producer Catarina Leal, the researcher and professor Joãp Seixas and Joana Jacinto, founder of the Lisbon Sustainable Tourism project. With them, we protest, we discuss ideas and concerns, but we also sought solutions to a phenomenon that has affected all of us.   How do we pay 2€ for a glass of wine that is not even a big deal?   There were many questions and criticism. It was a powerful moment, where we heard people of all ages, from traders to students and artists, portuguese and foreigners. Many were the criticisms and questions. It was a powerful moment_ […]

Is there life after tourism?

Produced by Catarina Leal in her Master’s degree developed in Anthropology, Cidade Guiada documents one of the biggest problems currently encountered in the historic centre of Lisbon: gentrification by tourism. Phenomenon long observed in cities such as Barcelona, Berlin or London, gentrification is an urban symptom which mainly affects the most vulnerable populations inhabiting cities. Tourism is one of the key features adopted to boost the economy in neighbourhoods such as Graça, Alfama and Mouraria. With an increasingly industry sustained on foreign population, Portuguese neighbourhoods are revaluated and rehabilitated every day. Already with a few former residents, from the buildings only facades are left.   Cidade Guiada still poses an increasingly relevant question: how to redevelop a neighbourhood or a city that serves the people and not the tourists?   The film projection will be followed by a debate with the presence of director Catarina Leal, Joana Jacinto, promoter of […]

FREE CINEMA: “Cidade Guiada” (“Guided City”) I Cine Café Touristification

[article written by Leonor Duarte, within the Cine Café Turistificação: Alto Bairro (Turistification: High Neighbourhood)]   Yesterday, at Lisboa Vadia, the lisboners could assist to the film “Alto Bairro” and to discuss the gentrification and turistification of Bairro Alto. We noticed, with some annoyance, how this neighbourhood has been losing the life that distinguishes it, mostly its daytime life, whether because of local shops, shops from other fields, as fashion, bookstores, among others, that close, or because former residents who leave. These are the factors that show how Bairro Alto is being a victim of a phenomenon that is being talked about around, which is gentrification. And the debate was so zippy, that it was difficult to finish.   There are some people that think that the Bairro has become an amusement park, a big open air bar and that people who go there to have fun, they forget or […]

Bairro Alto: a city is much more than an amusement park

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Turistificação, mas que grande palavrão! Lisboa Vadia I 16 Fevereiro I 21h30   Com estreia no ano passado no cinema e rodado em pouco mais de um mês, “Alto Bairro” dá voz às pessoas que sempre lá viveram e aquelas que tiveram que sair. Do realizador Rui Simões, este documentário retrata um bairro em constante mudança, dos anos 50 até aos dias de hoje. Lugar de prostituição e boémia, “Alto Bairro” apresenta-nos, primeiro, uma Lisboa típica dos cafés e das mercearias de rua, das antigas pensões e das roupas estendidas à janela, testemunhada, entre a calma das tardes e a azáfama das noites, pelos mesmos moradores que têm visto o despejo de muito comércio local, a degradação […]

(Português) CINEMA GRÁTIS: “Alto Bairro” | Cine-Café Turistificação