“Other Championships” presentation party took place on Saturday November 19, at Cabrinha football field (Quinta do Cabrinha, neighborhood), in the presence of all the project’s partners.
The project is funded by the BIP/ZIP, a Lisbon City Council program. Alcântara Parish Council was represented by its chairman, Davide Amado. Ana Paulos and Vanda Ramalho represented the Street Soccer National Association, while and Cabrinha’s Youth “Ventos de Mudança” (Winds of Change) were represented by Joana Jacinto and Jorge Ramos, accordingly.

Briefing at Cabrinha football field. From left to right: Joana, Citizenship Academy and Other Championships’ project; Davide Amado, Alcântara Parish Council chairman; Ana and Vanda, Street Soccer National Assotiation and Jorge, Cabrinha’s youth group “Ventos de Mudança” (“Winds of Change”)
There were several activities during the afternoon. We’ve been shown the work results that’s been developed so far; afterwards, street football and a snack have brought Cabrinha’s inhabitants near Citizenship’s Academy headquarters.
“Projecto Alkantara” and “Fazer a Ponte” (“Making a Bridge”) projects brought us the Alkantara Dance Project presentation that’s had liven up the party in an almost full space. Afterwards, a biefing, to explain Outros Campeonatos project: what is it and wants to be.

Alkantara Dance Project
Alcântara Parish Council invited us to their new space in “Cabrinha”. Joana Dias, from the Citizenship’s Academy and Other Championships project, presented the research results in order to understand what it is and how it’s like to live in Quinta do Cabrinha’s neighborhood. We want to know what can be changed in the neighbourhood and what the expectations are.

Joana presenting the survey’s results, at Alcântara Parish Council’s new space
The party came across the neighborhood to the Citizenship’s Academy.
Following all the inquiries, Luís Fernandes made a short documentary about Cabrinha’s neighborhood. From kids to grown ups, former residents and non residents from Casal Ventoso made themselves available to face the camera with us. The video was projected and appreciated. We enjoyed it a lot, naturally.
Ana and Vanda brought the ball, the soccer goals and an incredible availability and good vibes, encouraging everyone to play soccer, while a quick snack was being prepared.

Ana, from the Street Soccer National Association promoting soccer games at Cabrinha’ s streets.

Take a look at Luís, on the left, shooting the short documentary.
It was a wonderful experience. We promise to go on working in order to find out new courses, the neighborhood’s expectations.
A special thanks to Santo António Sports Club and Águias Recreativo Club, for the snacks and also to Mr. Dionísio (our neighbor, mini market’s owner “Lady Di”), for the drinks and all the support.

The party, at the Citizenship’s Academy!
We are very grateful to all who visited us and shared with us these special moments. A big thank you and we expect to have you all back soon.
Citizenship’s Greetings
P.S. – This is the video of the party, take a look!