This is a special article. Michele Spatari, an Italian apprentice of architecture, as passed as a storm at Quinta do Cabrinha. He was in Lisbon, until the end of June, collaborating with Colectivo Warehouse and found it made sense to come to Quinta do Cabrinha and photograph its people. His words are always going to be better than hours to find out the how and why of this happening. We offer you the interview and some of the pictures he left us with. Hi, Michele. Can you please introduce yourself? Ciao! My name is Michele Spatari and I am an Italian architecture graduate trying to find his path into photojournalism, documentary photography and the news media in general. I know, it is an arduous path. I was born in a middle-sized city in northern Italy called Bologna in 1991 and I was lucky enough to have the chance to live these […]