Monthly Archives: February 2017

We launch here a series of articles written by the partners that dynamize with us the “Outros Campeonatos”. The idea was to diversify the type of speech produced about the project and to understand how all those involved see what we are building in Quinta do Cabrinha. These articles are also used to better understand how the partners of the Outros Campeonatos are involved in the activities promoted within the project. The plurality of points of view will help to reflect on the practices and to better build the future. We reproduce here the opinion of the “Associação Nacional de Futebol de Rua” (National Association of Street Football):   “The Associação Nacional de Futebol de Rua has as its mission to promote the social and sports methodology of street football as an innovative strategy of socio-pedagogical and cultural intervention with a view to human development and social inclusion. Since 2009, it […]

Partners Articles – National Association of Street Football

This was the first exit of the “Outros Campeonatos” (Other Championships). We planned to go playing street football in the Padre Cruz neighborhood with the Associação Nacional de Futebol de Rua (National Association of Street Football) and we went for a walk during all day. It was a heterogeneous group, which came out of Cabrinha, from small to grown up kids. O Lisbon Sustainable Tourism organized us a full day and there we went. The game was only in the afternoon but we got up early in the morning and at 9 in the morning (more or less) there was everyone next to the vans that We Hate Tourism Tours made available to lead us towards the “Moinho da Juventude” (Youth Mill). We were welcomed with open arms in Cova da Moura. The staff of Moinho showed us the neighborhood, explained to us what they are doing and the struggles […]

There are other Championships out of the Cabrinha!