Daily Archives: Friday January 27th, 2017

On 26th January, another action of Outros Campeonatos(Other Championships), took place in Quinta do Cabrinha. The meeting “Foi assim que começámos” (This is how we started), aimed to collect and share, in a relatively informal way, stories of experiences of youth associations happening in the Lisbon area. Following the guidelines of “Outros Campeonatos”, the testimonies of the invited associations were directed to the Quinta do Cabrinha community and the young people strongly answered the call. This initiative came as a follow-up to a conversation with Jorge Ramos, a member of the young informal group “Ventos de Mudança” (Winds of Change), our partner. Jorge, being inhabitant of the neighborhood since its genesis, had already undergone the process of trying to create a youth association here in Quinta do Cabrinha. This attempt was ruined but the bug stayed and came back now. We came to the conclusion that it would be of […]

This is how we started – Meeting on Youth Associativism and Active Citizenship