Bremen, Germany | 21 Oct – 1 Nov
The main aim of the “Intercultural Performance for Social Change!“ youth exchange is to empower and equip youth with the competences needed to find creative solutions for social issues and various forms of communication that touch people on deeper levels of consciousness through art and culture. Together we want to discover and explore traditions and habits behind the stories of young people with different experiences and backgrounds.
- to support and encourage the beauty of diversity and the benefits of intercultural dialogue with arts and non-formal education methods among young people from different cultures;
- to enhance creativity, self-confidence and self-discipline among young people and local students through performing arts.
This youth exchange will bring youngters from Spain (4+1), Italy(4+1) Lithuania (4+1), Turkey (4+1), Portugal(5+1) and Germany together. The age of the participants is 18- 30 and one group leader from each country with no upper age limit.
Working language will be English.