On the 10th of December of 2018, the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was celebrated. On this day, in Lisbon, the Citizenship Academy promoted the meeting of representatives of more than 20 organizations of the Civil Society of Portugal. This event, “No Day Without Us”, was an initiative of the European Civic Forum, which mobilized several European organizations to celebrate the 70’s Human Rights through the promotion of online activities and events throughout Europe in December 2018. In Lisbon, “NoDayWithoutUs” happened at EKA Palace (Vila Maria Luísa) and was attended by the following organizations: Ansol – Associação Nacional para o Software Livre ALEM – Associação Literatura, Literacia e Mediação APAC Portugal APAV – Associação Portuguesa de Apoio à Vítima Associação bué fixe Associação Cabelos Brancos CulturFACE Cuntroll Zine D3 – Direitos Digitais Pro Bono – Ajuda Legal Fumaça GAT Portugal Habita Humans Before Borders Las Piteadas Projecto Crescer Transparência e […]