For the second year we were at Citizenship European Days, organized by the organizations’ platform European Civic Forum (ECF), in which Citizenship Academy is part of the direction.
On the 10th anniversary of the ECF platform, the event took place at the same place where the platform was born, the Council of Europe, responsable institution for ensuring the respect of Human Rights, formed by all the countries of the continent (including those who are not members of the European Union).
Video of the opening session:
For two days, partnership strategies where debated and developed to make european ONG’s work more efficient in the main themes that affect European Union.
We were able to hear, in first hand, the testimony of three syrian refugees, explaining us what they expected from Europe and our action as an organized civil society, both to welcome them to stay as to focus the pression for an action aimed to pacify the territories at war that they escaped from. To not support local dictatorships and to promote fast legalization in Europe should be our fundamental goals.
All the information about the programm, people and organizations present can be consulted in this site.
There was also opportunity to deliver the Democratic Citizenship European Awards 2015, which winners were two activists from Citizenship Academy at the Personality of the Year category, last year. This year, the portuguese organization InLoco received an honorable mention from the jury.
The winners of 2015 can be consulted by clicking on the image below: