The interview we did to Margarida and José from Let’s Save Jamor (LSJ) was dense in content and elaborated in form.
The conversation, which started at Cruz Quebrada beach, unfolded as we climbed the Jamor, entering the National Sports Centre of Jamor, ending at its entrance, just in front of the golf fields.
One of the main topics discussed, and the one that was also the first, was necessarily the detail plan of the right bank of the mouth of the river Jamor, in Cruz Quebrada. This is a project of the City Hall of Oeiras, and against the same as the LSJ has invested most of its energy action. According to the two environmental activists, this plan jeopardizes environmental principles, as well as the safety and mobility of local populations.
Later, Margarida and José also told us about the management of the spaces of the National Sports Centre of Jamor. In their opinion, the way the fields have been organized, namely by sealing spaces or limiting their use, jeopardizes their democratic usufruct, and consequently the banks of the Jamor and the river itself, by users of the Sports Centre.
Already at the end of the interview, and arriving at the entrance of the Sports Centre of Jamor, we witnessed a sad scenario. One of the banks of the river on that cold December morning had been devastated by a backhoe for no apparent reason. The two activists hastened to document what had happened, with the intention of denouncing them to the person of right. This happened, in a way, to illustrate what Margarida and José had said several times throughout the interview: public and private entities still have a great deal to do in terms of assuming, promoting and defending a responsible and informed attitude towards the maintenance of the river Jamor and its banks. It is up to the civil society to make due defence, this being the role that the LSJ has assumed since it was created.