Natalia is the person who has been present in this project from the beginning.
It was her who, in the first forays we performed, patiently explained to us all about how and where the Jamor forms; the importance of the river to the region, in the past and nowadays; what better people to talk to in order to get more information about the history of the river. And she always followed the project very closely, through the many personal contacts we had, or through digital means. Natália is undoubtedly a key figure in How to squat a river.
That’s why the interview we made to her on that sunny November afternoon was so simple to do, and above all pleasant. With just a few questions, we managed to organize in a single speech all the precious information she had given us throughout this time.
In addition to the interview, we were still able to take a walk through the family grounds, accompanied by her husband, who showed us one of the water mines present and still gave us a taste of his piquette.
A toast to Dona Maria!