Grassroots movements, cooperatives, ecovillages, NGOs, collectives and individuals are showing worldwide, with their own lives, that it is possible, practical and efficient to avoid capitalist crisis circles. By cooperating. In urban areas as in the countryside, it is possible to live, produce our own energy and food respecting the planet, the animals and people. After the first edition’s success, Citizenship Academy organises once again the experience-sharing debate “Living in another World” between community based, social and ecological projects. Together with first edition’s guests there will be people from town based communities that share with the rural ones the same goals, ways of doing and thinking. This event is part of CREATE-REACT from the CITIZEN-RIGHTS partnership project. Learn more about the whole event about Community in Lisbon here . Free entrance 11th July, Saturday, 21h, in Casa da Cultura de Sacavém, Lisboa, Portugal Guests (confirmed): Centro […]