
Sorry, this entry is only available in Português. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Sorteio terá lugar no dia 23 de abril de 2018, às 18:30Local: Ministério da Saúde (Avenida João Crisóstomo, Lisboa)   100: é o número de pessoas que terão acesso a PrEP – Profilaxia Pré-Exposição, conforme anunciado pelo Ministério da Saúde.1000+: é o número anual de novas infecções pelo VIH. A PrEP é uma estratégia complementar e eficaz de prevenção pela toma de um medicamento, mas está refém de lógicas de lucro e falta de vontade política. Um bom PrEPTexto para reclamar (entre outras emergências):– PrEP sem mais demoras, para quem a procure, para quem precisa.– que o governo assuma as responsabilidades face à epidemia;– planeamento estratégico e investimento no combate às IST’s e no SNS.– um verdadeiro […]

(Português) Lotaria de acesso à Pílula Mágica que previne o VIH

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Concentrações contra os Curdos de Afrin, Síria Quinta-feira, 15 de março de 2018 Lisboa (19:00) – Embaixada da Alemanha, Campo dos Mártires da Pátria, 38 Porto (18:00) – Avenida dos Aliados ERDOGAN PREPARA O GENOCÍDIO DE AFRIN Desde 18 de Janeiro de 2018, o cantão curdo de Afrin é bombardeado pelo Exército do Estado Turco de Erdogan. As ocupações de vilas e os ataques a alvos civis demonstram bem o seu interesse em aniquilar o povo curdo de Afrin. Sobre o pretexto de intervir para eliminar grupos terroristas, o Ditador Turco, apoiado pela extrema direita, tenta esmagar a autonomia que os Curdos conquistaram nas suas lutas contra o Estado Islâmico. Ironicamente, a Turquia tem como aliados os […]

(Português) Solidariedade com o Curdistão

But after all, how can we save Jamor? Better than anyone else to answer this question are Margarida and José from the Let’s Save the Jamor initiative.   “Let’s Save the Jamor emerged as a movement of citizens and residents, peaceful and non-partisan, having since acquired the status of Environmental Nongovernmental Organization. The movement aims to withdraw the Plano de Pormenor da Margem Direita da Foz do Rio Jamor (Detail Plan of the Right Bank of Rio Jamor’s mouth) and its replacement by alternative solutions that are environmentally adequate, socially and economically fair.” The explanation of its webpage, as well as the shares they are making in social networks, made us think of the obligation to contact this group of activists who, in recent years, have practically in an isolated form, fought against the Goliath which is the real estate market trying to dominate the Cruz Quebrada area. On a […]

Logbook I Day 12 I How to squat a river

An oasis within a cave. I think we have already said how paradisiacal the place where Mr. José Amaral has his garden is.   At first glance, nobody would notice it: in the suburb of Queluz de Baixo (suburb’s suburb, therefore), hidden behind cheap construction buildings of the 1990s, practically below the endemic IC19 road, lost in a deep valley and where the sun can only sneak in. To get there, you have to descend a slope that is practically steep, very carefully, in order to not slip on the black limestone stones, worn by use and time. The barking dogs in dogs cellars on the slopes that line the steep descent tell us that we are approaching another universe, a new reality: one in which the nasturtiums of the 90’s cease to be seen and the IC19 ceases to be heard; a new reality painted green, green, green, with […]

Logbook I Day 11 I How to squat a river

One of the main goals of How to squat a river is to give voice to civil society. As well as documenting their involvement in defending the rivers, in this case, the river Jamor.   But it is a fact that if people should benefit from the power to manage rivers, it is necessarily shared with local or national power. This was the reason why we contacted the counties’ autarchies that are bathed by Jamor, that is, those of Sintra and Oeiras. We wanted to know in what way and with what eyes those entities see the squatting that has been debated here, and which in many cases is carried out on public land. One of the most enthusiastic answers we received was that of the Union of Parishes of Massamá and Monte Abrãao (UPMMA), of the municipality of Sintra, headed by its president Pedro Brás. From the first moment […]

Logbook I Day 16 I How to squat a river

The project Rios Livres from GEOTA establishes a partnership with the project How to squat a river To the extent that it contributes with important scientific knowledge, as well as with a great experience, in the defence of our rivers.   It was during a short time found in a busy schedule that Ana and Pedro received us at the GEOTA’s headquarter. We thought about filming the interview on the street, but that December morning was too rainy for that. The interview began with a presentation of what Rios Livres is and its objectives: the project comes as a response and to question the Programa Nacional de Barragens (National Dams Program), onsidering it “one of the greatest threats to Portuguese rivers”. Thus, it is Rios Livres’ mission to halt the construction of the dams provided there, as well as to “prove that there are other less aggressive and cheaper ways […]

Logbook I Day 15 I How to squat a river

The interview we did to Margarida and José from Let’s Save Jamor (LSJ) was dense in content and elaborated in form. The conversation, which started at Cruz Quebrada beach, unfolded as we climbed the Jamor, entering the National Sports Centre of Jamor, ending at its entrance, just in front of the golf fields.   One of the main topics discussed, and the one that was also the first, was necessarily the detail plan of the right bank of the mouth of the river Jamor, in Cruz Quebrada. This is a project of the City Hall of Oeiras, and against the same as the LSJ has invested most of its energy action. According to the two environmental activists, this plan jeopardizes environmental principles, as well as the safety and mobility of local populations. Later, Margarida and José also told us about the management of the spaces of the National Sports Centre […]

Logbook I Day 14 I How to squat a river

Natalia is the person who has been present in this project from the beginning. It was her who, in the first forays we performed, patiently explained to us all about how and where the Jamor forms; the importance of the river to the region, in the past and nowadays; what better people to talk to in order to get more information about the history of the river. And she always followed the project very closely, through the many personal contacts we had, or through digital means. Natália is undoubtedly a key figure in How to squat a river.   That’s why the interview we made to her on that sunny November afternoon was so simple to do, and above all pleasant. With just a few questions, we managed to organize in a single speech all the precious information she had given us throughout this time. In addition to the interview, […]

Logbook I Day 13 I How to squat a river

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. 2017, um ano memorável em que fizemos ouvir a voz dos cidadãos e contribuímos decisivamente para colocar o direito à habitação e o direito à cidade na agenda da  comunicação social e dos órgãos  do poder levando à criação da Secretaria de Estado da Habitação e à elaboração da Lei de Bases sobre a Habitação. muito mais está por fazer pois o que o Governo e o Parlamento anunciam não dá resposta à especulação nem põe fim aos despejos. muito mais está por fazer, pois prossegue a reconfiguração da cidade, como  parque turístico e parque imobiliário. apoiámos e continuaremos a apoiar cidadãos e organizações que no terreno sustentam a luta dos moradores pelo direito à habitação e […]

(Português) O ano em que a cidadania forçou o Estado a pensar a habitação

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. A campanha Empregos para o Clima visa combater a precariedade laboral e climática e lutar por um mundo socialmente justo e ambientalmente são. A campanha propõe realizar esta transformação através da criação de emprego público digno e estável em setores estratégicos, para reduzir as emissões de gases de efeito de estufa na atmosfera. Verificamos que o aquecimento global causa impactos desiguais e socialmente injustos, afetando sobretudo as populações mais vulneráveis, excluídas, e precárias, e salientamos a forte recomendação, expressa no mesmo relatório, de que os governos tomem medidas concertadas e imediatas para reduzir significativamente as emissões de gases de efeito de estufa, para evitar uma subida catastrófica na temperatura global até ao fim do século. Assim sendo, […]

(Português) A Academia Cidadã apoia a campanha Empregos para o Clima