
  The Documentary of this week: “One for the river” (2015) The goal of this Cine Café is to activate discussion, consciousness, knowledge and spread information about the topic of this month’s environmental legislations that comes with TTIP. What is TTIP? TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership), like other trade agreements, is being negotiated largely in secret. It aims to “harmonise” EU and U.S. standards across an array of industries. It challenges laws that protect the environment, rein in corporate interests, protect food safety, promote renewable energy and curb risky practices like fracking. TTIP can limit the capacity of public authorities to decide on how to provide public services like water. What’s worse, TTIP will lock in changes by granting rights to companies that undermine local laws, and will force us to either spend precious public money fighting big business or change our laws to comply with its desires — […]

CINEMA FOR FREE: One for the river | Transatlantic Cine Café

Sorry, this entry is only available in Português. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. A Academia Cidadã precisa da tua ajuda! No fim de 2015 terminou também o projeto Dreamocrazy, apoiado pelo programa Erasmus+, que financiou a nossa sede nos últimos 18 meses. Este projeto será recandidatado, mas até lá (Setembro / Outubro), precisamos de pagar as seguintes despesas médias mensais: água – 15€ luz – 50€ renda – 15€ internet – 30€ num total de 110 €.   Usamos a nossa sede para: trabalho regular apoio / consultoria a cidadãxs e organizações (estamos abertos ao público todos os dias úteis das 14h às 20h) realização de reuniões de trabalho acolhimento de estagiárixs (estamos em fase de candidatura ao Serviço de Voluntariado Europeu, pelo que esperamos receber mais voluntárixs) realizar workshops […]

(Português) AJUDA: Precisamos de ti!

“Vitória, Vitória Vitória!” Those were the words that were being shouted by the masses of ecstatic people in front of the Portuguese Republic Assembly (São Bento Palace, Lisbon), after the new left wing coalition – the majority in the parliament, after the recent elections – rejected the old right wing government. When we arrived at 15.00 there was already a good amount of people, estimating at 1500 to 2000, with the beautiful sun shining on everyone’s happy faces. While we were all waiting election, live music was shifting the crowd’s mood. The demonstrators were singing songs, waving their banners and placards and shouting slogans, such as: “The people united will never be defeated”, “The 25th of April forever, fascism for never more” and “We only want the left wing in power”. Somehow those feelings were very contagious, without really knowing what exactly was going on, we cheered on with the […]


Sorry, this entry is only available in Português. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. O Algarve fervilhou de ideias, troca de experiências activistas e de democracia participativa. A Academia Cidadã foi convidada pela ECOS a participar na Conferência Internacional do projecto Round Trip e não podíamos faltar!   Toda a informação sobre este evento, que começou dia 25 e decorreu até 27, pode ser encontrada aqui  

(Português) Loulé a ferver com activistas de toda a Europa

15th December, at 21h30 @ Lisboa Vadia (Rua de S. Mamede 33A, Lisbon) The goal of this Cine Café is to activate discussion, consciousness, knowledge and spread information about the topic of this month is ISDS (Investor-State Dispute Settlement), that comes with TTIP.   The Documentary: “TTIP Might is Right” (2015) event   Synopsis The proposed free trade agreement between the US and Europe (TTIP) causes concern about the European right to self-determination. The most controversial part of TTIP is ISDS: investor-state dispute settlement. ISDS will make it possible for companies to sue governments that damage their investments. But is this arbitrage system where a few investment lawyers decide over billions of taxpayers money a protection of our business interests, or a threat to our democracy?   What is TTIP? TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership), like other trade agreements, is being negotiated largely in secret. It aims to “harmonise” […]

FREE CINEMA: TTIP Might is Right | Transatlantic Cine Café

In 2014, Pakhuis de Zwijger (cultural organization in the city of Amsterdam) came up with the idea of Metropolitan Field Trips. Cities are constantly in change, new initiatives arise and try to answer to several question on how to become city-owners and how to participate in their evolution. During the Field Trips, on the biggest european cities, the participants learn about diverse approaches on base initiative and about the relation between bottom-up city makers, planning agents, local government and other institutions. Field Trips have, therefore, as a goal a better understanding of the whole process of transition and they are an opportunity to exchange knowledge between partners in Europe. The program started at 4 p.m on the 8th, with the meeting point for the welcoming at Holzmarkt. Holzmarkt is located in an old abandoned area at the Spree waterfront. It was destined to be sold as part of the project […]

The Citizenship Academy in a transitional Berlin

For all citizens | Free entrance 17th November, at 21h30 Lisboa Vadia (Rua de S. Mamede 33A, Lisbon) FB event The goal of this Cine Café is to activate discussion, consciousness, knowledge and spread information about the topic of this month’s water privatisation that comes with TTIP. TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership), like other trade agreements, is being negotiated largely in secret. It aims to “harmonise” EU and U.S. standards across an array of industries. It challenges laws that protect the environment, rein in corporate interests, protect food safety, promote renewable energy and curb risky practices like fracking. TTIP can limit the capacity of public authorities to decide on how to provide public services like water. What’s worse, TTIP will lock in changes by granting rights to companies that undermine local laws, and will force us to either spend precious public money fighting big business or change our laws […]

Free cinema: documentary FLOW | Transatlantic Cine-Café

For the second year we were at Citizenship European Days, organized by the organizations’ platform European Civic Forum (ECF), in which Citizenship Academy is part of the direction. On the 10th anniversary of the ECF platform, the event took place at the same place where the platform was born, the Council of Europe, responsable institution for ensuring the respect of Human Rights, formed by all the countries of the continent (including those who are not members of the European Union).   Video of the opening session: For two days, partnership strategies where debated and developed to make european ONG’s work more efficient in the main themes that affect European Union. We were able to hear, in first hand, the testimony of three syrian refugees, explaining us what they expected from Europe and our action as an organized civil society, both to welcome them to stay as to focus the pression […]

Refugees, austerity and the answer of social movements| European Civic Days 2015

The Citizenship Academy was in Hungary, from 16 to 17 november, in a reunion between hungarian and international organizations from civil society, and it got to know more about the recent atacks and threats done by the nacionalist right-wing government of Budapest. We are creating ties and common strategies to fight against this atack (which includes unfounded accusations to NGO’s, police searches without a warrant at their headquarters, constant defamation in the press and trying to block international funds to get to the associations working for the defense of democracy, refugee rights, LGBT people, Roma and other minorities) and to learn how to avoid similar acts in our countries. A lot of these acquirements will be transmitted in workshops that will be held in severous highschools in Portugal, and they aim to empower youngsters to fight for their civic rights.   This meeting and workshops are part of the project Citizen-Rights of international partnership. Veronika […]

We were in Hungary (learning to) defending Democracy

In a context of economic crisis and social emergency present in more and more regions of the European Union, it is important to think about solutions that, more than helping people in trouble to overcome their financial problems, solutions that help to create innovative forms of social organization , alternatives to the ones that capitalist system provide us. At the Congress of Solidarity Economics, the SOLIKON 2015, which took place in Berlin from 10 to 13 september, it was intended to share and discuss different approaches, visions and pratics about new ways of economic activity, based on solidarity and sustainability. The Citizenship Academy was there! Click here to read the rest of the article.

SOLIKON, creating alternatives from Lisbon to Berlin