We launch here a series of articles written by the partners that dynamize with us the “Outros Campeonatos”.
The idea was to diversify the type of speech produced about the project and to understand how all those involved see what we are building in Quinta do Cabrinha. These articles are also used to better understand how the partners of the Outros Campeonatos are involved in the activities promoted within the project.
The plurality of points of view will help to reflect on the practices and to better build the future.
We reproduce here the opinion of the “Associação Nacional de Futebol de Rua” (National Association of Street Football):
“The Associação Nacional de Futebol de Rua has as its mission to promote the social and sports methodology of street football as an innovative strategy of socio-pedagogical and cultural intervention with a view to human development and social inclusion. Since 2009, it has developed social and sports projects of community intervention in the district of Carnide and more concretely in the Padre Cruz neighbourhood in Lisbon, as in the case of, for example, the projects “Mais Equipa Melhor Bairro” (More Team, Better Neighbourhood), Play for the Job and “Recriar BPC” (Recreate BCP), who wanted to capacitate the community for the exercise of citizenship and to requalify public spaces, through socio-sports experience. With the “Bola P’ra Frente” (Ball forward) project, financed by the “Programa Escolhas” (Choices Programme), since 2010, they have been using street football as an intervention tool in the constitution of a community of sports and social practices in the Padre Cruz neighbourhood, co-produced with the young people and the community through social mediation of peers and innovating in strategies of informal education for citizenship.
As part of the participation, in partnership with the Academia Cidadã Association, in the “Outros Campeonatos” project financed by the Bip Zip Program in Quinta do Cabrinha, the association intends to disseminate good practices and share the experience acquired in the use of street football in a community context and it is responsible for the development of informal peer mentoring strategies among organizations, developing consulting, training and follow-up actions on the application of the street football socio-sports methodology to project partners and the community. In addition, it is involved throughout the project cycle, being present since the planning and application process and participating in the process of monitoring, evaluation and sustainability. The main objective is that another community can benefit from the social and sporting experience and the personal, social and community development that the magic of street football allows in the victory of the life of each resident and in the construction of a more fair and positive image of the Cabrinha!”