“Other Championships” presentation party took place on Saturday November 19, at Cabrinha football field (Quinta do Cabrinha, neighborhood), in the presence of all the project’s partners. The project is funded by the BIP/ZIP, a Lisbon City Council program. Alcântara Parish Council was represented by its chairman, Davide Amado. Ana Paulos and Vanda Ramalho represented the Street Soccer National Association, while and Cabrinha’s Youth “Ventos de Mudança” (Winds of Change) were represented by Joana Jacinto and Jorge Ramos, accordingly. There were several activities during the afternoon. We’ve been shown the work results that’s been developed so far; afterwards, street football and a snack have brought Cabrinha’s inhabitants near Citizenship’s Academy headquarters. “Projecto Alkantara” and “Fazer a Ponte” (“Making a Bridge”) projects brought us the Alkantara Dance Project presentation that’s had liven up the party in an almost full space. Afterwards, a biefing, to explain Outros Campeonatos project: what is it and wants […]