The Documentary of this week: “One for the river” (2015) The goal of this Cine Café is to activate discussion, consciousness, knowledge and spread information about the topic of this month’s environmental legislations that comes with TTIP. What is TTIP? TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership), like other trade agreements, is being negotiated largely in secret. It aims to “harmonise” EU and U.S. standards across an array of industries. It challenges laws that protect the environment, rein in corporate interests, protect food safety, promote renewable energy and curb risky practices like fracking. TTIP can limit the capacity of public authorities to decide on how to provide public services like water. What’s worse, TTIP will lock in changes by granting rights to companies that undermine local laws, and will force us to either spend precious public money fighting big business or change our laws to comply with its desires — […]